Chapter 5: Drive to Survive

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Right now we're all in Shop Class as Hayley and Calvin just finished building their motorcycle while I add some color to my motorcycle and trying to improve it.

"Woah! You built that!" Preston asked, impressed when Calvin stood up.

"Um, yeah ... well, kind of." Calvin said to them. "I brought three junker motorcycles and salvaged enough to make one. Not so bad, eh?" Calvin said while the others seemed impressed.

"What are you doing Bells?" Sarah asked walked over to me while the others stayed and talked to Hayley and Calvin.

"I put colour on the motorcycle." I told him while I finished the last wheel. "And finished." I said, wiping hands on an old rag I had.. "But I'm also trying to improve it." I added.

"It looks so fast. I like it! Calvin, can I please drive it after you, please?" Sara asked him, bouncing up and down.

"Um yes. In fact, you can be the first to take it for a test drive." Calvin said quickly as he came to stand next to Hayley.

"What? No, really. You should definitely ride it first. See how fast you can go, I beat your record." Sara said to Calvin as we all chuckled.

"No really. It's really good, um, seriously, it's cool. It is cool." Calvin said quickly. By just looking at Calvin, I could tell he was nervous about ... something "Just ... you can test drive it." Calvin said to Sara as Brody and I raised an eyebrow at it.

"Cal, what's going on?" Brody asked. Calvin opened and closed his mouth as he looked at Hayley.

"It's okay, just tell them." Hayley said softly to Calvin.

Calvin took a breath and looked at all of us. "I don't know how to drive. Cars or motorcycles." Calvin said to us.

"Hold on. you drive your truck all the time, right?" Preston asked, taking a step towards Calvin.

"well..." calvin said as he looked at Hayley who was leaning up against the motorcycle.

"Actually, I'm his personal chauffeur." Hayley said as she pulled Nitro's keys out of her pocket. "You just never noticed." hayley said as she grabbed calvin's hand.

"I do not get it. You enjoy working on cars so much, why don't you love driving them?" I asked Calvin

"When I was little I was driving a go-kart on a track once, and before I knew it, I was swimming out of a duck pond. And ever since that crash I have been terrified of driving." Calvin said, telling us his story.

"Sarah, Bella." Brody said "you two are the speed experts, how about teaching Calvin and me how to drive that motorcycle, he won't look so scary." he said. Sarah and I looked at each other before we answered

"Yeah, we will make it our mission guys." We said.

"Let's go like the Thunder!" I said smiling before grabbing my motorcycle.

we were all out somewhere next to a park and Sarah an I taught Brody and Calvin how to drive. Brody had already got the hang of it and was driving around with Calvin leaning back and preparing as Hayley Preston Sarah, and I cheered Brody on. "this is so epic." Brody exclaimed as he drove past us again.

"but how did he learn so quickly?" Calvin wondered aloud.

"You got this Cal!" Preston encouraged him.

"Right." Calvin said as he started the engine and left Sarah leaned over to Hayley.

"I thought I'd start him small" Sarah told her.

"Go Cal." Preston called. Calvin couldn't control the engine so he drove around the park uncontrollably and ran into some stuff and bumped into other things, even passed some of the nozzles that were on and the motorcycle crashed into a bin and Calvin flew over the box and landed on the ground. Preston, Sarah, Hayley and I ran to catch up with him and see if he was okay

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