Chapter 32: Making Waves

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All 7 of us met up by a fishing competition. I chatting with Phoebe while Levi had his arm around my shoulders and kept me from bumping into people. Today were where going to help Hayley's dad in the competition. "Come on! Come on, I won't bite!" Captain Shaw exclaimed from the stage as I placed my phone back in my purse while we walked towards him. "Welcome to the Summer Cove Big Catch Competition. Out in them there waters lives the biggest fish that ye ever did see. His name's Bruiser, and he's a crafty one. Use whatever clever lures or secret tricks you want...and if any of you mateys catches'll win this trophy!" Shaw exclaimed holding up a wood and gold trophy. "Off ye go, buccaneers! Get fishing! Best of luck to ya!" Shaw exclaimed as all the groups split off, heading towards the beach.

"Thanks for letting us help you in the fishing competition, dad. Sounds like it's gonna be a blast." Hayley told her dad as we all went onto the sand.

"No problem, honey. Wait till you see what I've got to help us." Aaron said, smiling at his daughter as we approached this...purple thingy sitting on the beach.

"Oh, cool!" Preston exclaimed, running up to it as we all crouched down around it. "But what is it?"

"This is my Diver-Drone. Programmed it to find anything unusual. Like a huge fish." Aaron explained to us.

"Woah. What's that?" Brody asked, motioning to the yellow thing on the front of it.

"It's my custom net cannon, so I can catch fish without hurting them." Aaron told him as we all listened. "This competition is the perfect time to test it." He told us. "Hey, you guys want to put it in the water?" he asked us as Preston and Calvin immediately picked it up, carrying it towards the ocean. The boys placed the drone in the water as Aaron pressed a button on the remote control, turning on the drone as it went deeper into the water.

"Woah, this thing works better than my dad's gill caster 600x." I said amazed. "The only thing he had caught was Max's phone." I added laughing leaving the part of him defeating Destructo out.

"These dots on the radar are small ones. We just got to wait for some big ones." Aaron told us, pointing to three dots on the screen of the controller. While the boys were focused on the drone, me, Sarah, and Hayley all backed up, talking.

"Wow, so your dad built that?" Sarah asked Hayley, looking at her.

"Yep. He's a marine biologist. He uses drones to study marine life." Hayley told us.

"I think we got something! It's gotta be Bruiser!" I heard Aaron exclaim as the three of us looked at him, walking up to the others. "Time to deploy the net cannon!" he exclaimed, pushing a button as the drone suddenly died as the remote control turned off. "Oh! What happened?" Aaron questioned, looking at his remote.

"Look, over there!" Levi exclaimed as he pointed to the water. We all looked in the direction he pointed, seeing the drone resurface, wrapped in the net.

"Oh no!" Aaron exclaimed as Calvin and Preston ran towards it. They grabbed the drone, bringing it to shore.

"I'm sorry dad, that doesn't look good." Hayley told her dad as Calvin and Preston walked over to us and placed the drone on the sand.

"Oh, Diver-Drone." Aaron said, walking up to it crouching next to it. All of us crouched or kneeld around it to.

"Hi, Sarah." Jackie said, walking up to us.

"Oh hi, mom!" Sarah exclaimed, standing up as she hugged her mom. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought maybe I'd try to catch Bruiser too." She told Sarah. "What's going on?" she asked us, looking at the broken drone.

"The net is ruined...and the circuits are looks like it found something made of...metal?" Aaron told us, inspecting his drone as I just looked at the metal, thinking.

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