Chapter 35: The Need for Speed

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All of us were at the race track to cheer Sarah on. Today she was going to break the world record, which was her goal all along. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome! Today, Sarah Thompson will try to break the world hoverboard speed record!" The judge announced as everyone cheered and clapped. Sarah placed on her helmet as the judge went on. "You'll take one lap around the track. If you beat the current record — This trophy is yours. You ready?" The judge asked. 

"Let's do this!" Sarah replied as she hopped onto her hoverboard. 

"You got this, Sarah!" "Come on, Sarah." We all shouted. 

"Ready, set....!" The judge shouted as the gun went off and Sarah began her lap.

"Huh? there is someone else on the track." Levi pointed out. I looked better and saw indeed that someone else had appeared on the tracks making me frown. Weird. That person then ended up breaking the record instead of Sarah and went into the bushes.

"Were in Hero's name is he going?" I asked the others.

"That's a new record. He beat the old record by a full 10 seconds. Who is that mystery man?" The judge wondered as Sarah took off her helmet and looked towards the bushes. And then the person came back and turned out to be Victor. I rolled my eyes as I saw him and crossed my arms. 

"It's me, Victor Vincent." Victor said. Everyone else started to clap for him as I walked towards Sarah.

"What?" Sarah asked confused. "Victor broke the record?" Sarah and I looked at each other with a knowing look.

"No way." We said in unison. We walked back to the others as Victor got up the podium to collect the trophy. 

"I did it! I've finally won my fiftieth trophy!" Victor exclaimed as everyone cheered and clapped.

"Victor is the undisputed champ!" Monty said to Sarah before he walked to Victor. I looked at Sarah and gave her a small smile as I squeezed her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry you weren't the one to break the speed record, Sarah." Brody said. 

"Man that Victor... he'll do anything to get a trophy." Calvin added. Sarah gave a small smile but it didn't stay long. I let out a small sigh and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"We are going to get that record on your name." I whispered in her ear before I turned us around so we were facing the other way. "Together."  She looked at me and smiled. I held my hand down for a low five and she slapped it.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

We were at school. The others were playing pool while Sarah and I were sitting at a table not far from them. Sarah and I were working on a way to break the record. "I missed again!" I heard Calvin say. 

"You'll get it, Cal." Brody said before they turned around to us. "Come on, Sarah. It's your shot." 

"Ah, can somebody shoot for me? Thanks, I need to finish this." Sarah replied. 

"The same goes for me." I said looking over my shoulder.

"Uh, Sarah, Bella?" Levi questioned as he started to walk towards us with the rest following behind him.

"Yeah, babe?" I answered as I typed some calculations in the calculator before writing them down on paper.

"What are you two doing?" Levi asked us as he stopped next to me. He leaned with his hand on the table but also had his arm sorta wrapped around me. 

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