Chapter 8: Gold Rush

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The alarms went off when everyone entered the base and we all looked at the screen. "Attack in the warehouse district." Mick said as we all nodded. "Let's go!" Brody said as we all ran out of the base.

"Over there! I shouted as we all ran into one of the warehouses.

"Stop here." Brody said as we looked around and saw the destroyed monster, but no sign of the attacker. "Oh man, gone again." Brody said, looking around.

"Every time the monsters send someone down to catch the golden ranger, he'll take them out ... and do we miss him for a second?" Sarah said frustrated.

"Don't worry, guys. We'll find the gold ranger eventually." Calvin said to us as we looked at him.

"Yea." Sarah said, agreeing.

"Lets go." Brody said as we all ran out of the warehouse and back to the base. we demorphed as we approached the school and we went back inside the base.

Later on we all (except for Brody) were dressed up for a contest where the biggest fan got backstage passes. We all ran to the square to get our place in line to meet Levi Weston. "I can't believe I'm going to meet Levi Weston in person!" Hayley said, excited and clinging to Sarah, while Sarah leaned against Hayley and started moving. "He is so cute." Hayley said, looking at Calvin as Calvin pouted fake and turned around. "Don't worry, you're pretty cute too." Hayley said, bumping her shoulder against his. Calvin looked at Hayley and they laughed.

"Let's all just try to be natural, okay? I don't want to embarrass myself." Preston said, calming the couple.

"You realize you've got a cactus on your butt, don't you?" Brody asked Preston.

"That cactus is going to win me a backstage pass." Preston said, looking at his butt.

"What backstage pass?" Brody asked him.

"Levi is giving a backstage pass to his biggest fan," Sarah said, pointing to herself, "But you have to dress up to win! So.." Sara said, laughing.

"Is it me or does he look familiar?" I asked myself out loud.

"He's famous, that's why he looks familiar to you." Hayley said.

"No, he looks really familiar to me. He reminds me of someone, but I don't know who." I said as I kept staring at Levi hoping I knew who he reminded me of.

 "Remember the rules when you talk to Levi, folks. No photos, no screaming, and no shaking his hand. He doesn't need any 'fan germs' for his big tour.' Levi's manager said as Preston looked at his hands.

"'Fan germs'? ​​Seriously?" Brody asked softly as I shoved him into the ribs and glared at him.

"I see you didn't dress up." Levi's manager said, looking at Brody.

"well, I'm not really a fan." Brody said as I looked at him and facepalmed as everyone gasped and the other ranger give him looks.

"It's fine, Tom. Leave him be." Levi said from his table on the stage.

"Whatever you say, Mr. Weston." Tom said, looking at Levi before looking at brody in slight disgust. There were explosions behind us as everyone in line started screaming and running to safety. We all ran towards the monsters and got in a defensive stance.

"We got trouble." Brody said as we attacked the Kudabots. I flipped over one and grabbed his spear, taking it from his hands to defeat 3 Kudabots.

"The Gold Ranger better appear or I'll destroy everyone!" Ripcon said as he appeared next to the fight, walking towards Levi. "I'll start with this cowboy!" Ripcon said, talking about levi as brody and I turned and saw Ripcon and Levi. Ripcon did multiple laser slashes at Levi, but Brody tackled him out of the way and landed next to where I was fighting Kudabots.

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