Chapter 20: The Adventures Of Redbot

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It has been a couple of days. Phoebe kept whining about the anniversary present. They ended up throwing a new wedding for our parents because their first one had been ruined. In the end, I decided to go to Hiddenville because Phoebe kept whining. When I went inside to grab something, Dr. Colosso who was human again had turned Phoebe, Max, Billy, and Nora into animals. Mom and Dad finally beat him and I turned him back to rabbit. Now I was working on a new song in the base. I had my songbook in front of me. I bit the back of my pen while thinking about the lyrics. Levi was training and Redbot was doing something on the computer. "Hold on. That's not what happened." Levi suddenly said. I tilted my head up and raised an eyebrow at them. I dropped my pen and I walked up to him and Redbot.

"Levi. I didn't see you there. It's my blog. Oh, I do love the internet." Redbot said.

"A blog, huh?" Levi questioned.

"It's called—" Redbot started to say.

"The Adventures Of Redbot." Levi, Redbot, and I said in unison.

"Whoa. Look at all those followers." Levi said, pointing to the follower count that continued to grow. "Thousands of people are reading your stories." He continued.

"Redbot are you sure it's safe? I mean you write about ..... us." I said

"Don't worry, Isabella. I've kept everyone's identity a secret." Redbot informed.

Levi wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I read the story on his blog. "Redbot... I'm not sure you got all the details right on that Trapsaw story. What I remember was..." Levi said before he told it the correct way.

"Oh. well, I may have embellished the story just a bit, you know, to make it more exciting." Redbot said.

"No, you did it to make yourself more heroic." I corrected as I crossed my arms.

"Perhaps. But my blog is just for fun." Redbot informed.

"Be careful, Redbot. Telling fibs, even for fun... usually ends up getting you in trouble." Levi stated as I nodded in agreement.

"If they find out that you know the Power Rangers without their suits, they'll make sure you tell them who the Power Rangers are. Which isn't only dangerous for you, but for us and Mick as well." I added making Levi nod.

"Oh, dear." Redbot said. The base door opened and Mick's head appeared.

"Redbot. Uh, there is a strange man in the rec area. He says he wants to talk to Redbot the blogger?" Mick questioned.

"That's me. Oh, my." Redbot stated. Redbot then left the base. While I went to collect my things, I saw Levi walking to where my songbook was located.

"What is this?" Levi asked. I quickly walked up to him and grabbed my songbook and closed it.

"Nothing." I said holding my songbook to my chest.

"If it's nothing, you wouldn't react like that." Levi said.

"It's my songbook." I said with a sigh.

"Why are you so secretive about that?" Levi asked.

"Like other girls have a diary, I have my songbook. Every time there was something I turned it into a song. Like when I was on SASS and was popular only because of my parents or the situation with Nova, I wrote my feelings down in a song. My family doesn't know most of the songs I wrote because I never played them. They might have heard them one time because I recorded them for myself. " I explained. "Maybe I'll let you hear them some time." I said as I put my songbook away.

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