Chapter 14: Ace and the Race

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All of us were at the fun-athalon. Everyone except me were participating.

"Sarah and Hayley." Preston said.

"Yes." Sarah replied.

"you're on the green team with me." Preston announced.

"oh cool." hayley said.

"Calvin and Levi... We're on the orange team." Brody said as he handed them a jersey.

"I got each team a baton." Calvin said.

"Thank you." hayley said as she took the green one.

"Are you sure you don't want to participate?" Levi asked me.

"I'd rather not. I'm afraid I'll be using my super speed by mistake." I said.

"But you said you could control your powers." Preston said.

"I can, but I'm afraid I'll go too fast and it will activate my super speed." I explained.

"And that would be a disaster. Only one person needs to know that the Silver Power Ranger has powers and then they will find out that." Brody said.

"Exactly." I said while pointing to him.

"Oh, what?" Calvin exclaimed, walking past us.

"Hey, where you going? The race starts soon." Hayley said to Calvin.

"That's Ace and his crew." Calvin said to us.

"Who's Ace?" Levi asked him.

"He only has the coolest car in town. and he-" Calvin started to say.

"Totally rebuilt the engine himself." Calvin and Hayley both said.

"Yeah... I remember 'awesome Ace'." Hayley stated.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back." Calvin said as he walked towards them.

"Gather your teams, the relay race is about to start! Remember, your three-man team has to take turns carrying the baton." The mayor announced.

"Did you find Calvin?" Preston asked. "Mick said he saw him pushing Ace's car into shop class." Sarah replied.

"But without calvin, we don't have a three-man team." Levi said.

"Don't stress, remember we're here to have fun." Brody reminded him. I saw them both look at me.

"If no one can go with you, then -" I started to say but was interrupted.

"Looks like you're short a runner. Name's Bob Shoespike. But you can call me Shoespike... And I even have my own baton. Whaddaya say, can I run with you?" Shoespike asked. Brody and Levi looked at each other.

"Well, uh, that's mighty lucky. i'm Levi, this is Brody." Levi said as he shook shoespike's hand.

"Hey, I'm Brody." brody said.

"And you are?" Shoespike asked as he turned to me holding a hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Isabella. I'm Levi's girlfriend." I said as I shook his hand. The moment I shook his hand my Thundersense went off. When I let go of his hand I looked around quickly and unseen. Or so I thought.

"Babe, why did you look around like that?" Levi asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Thundersense." I whispered.

"What made it go off?" Levi whispered.

"I don't know. All I can think of is -" I whispered but was interrupted.

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