Chapter 37: Outfoxed

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Previously on the Silver Ranger

"How can this be?" Odius asked. Two monsters joined her. "The Foxatron nearly destroyed the rangers, but thos medallions ran out of power. Venoma, if you don't tell me what's wrong with them I-"

"Wait, Madame." Venoma interuppted her. "You just need to recharge them."

"And just how long will that take?" Odius asked.

"By this time tomorrow, you'll have enough energy to obliterate the Rangers once and for all." Venoma answered. The three of them laughed before they disappeared. Slowly we stood up again.

"We've got one day to figure out how to beat that thing." Brody said.


The next day, I walked with Calvin, Hayley, and Brody through the halls. None of us could believe what had happened. "Man, feels like we're in a dream." Calvin said.

"Or a nightmare." "More like a nightmare really." Brody and I said.

"I still can't believe Odius disabled our zords." Hayley said.

"I think no one can." I told her.

"We have to get our zords working again." Brody said. Just then, Preston and Sarah joined us. 

"Guys, Odius' Foxatron will be fully powered in two hours." Preston told us.

"Well, let's hop Mick has found a solution." Sarah said. We walked further and spotted Levi, who walked up to us the moment he saw us.

"Mick says he hasn't come up with a way to stop the Foxatron." He informed us. We all sighed.

"Great." I said sarcastically. "Just great." I ran a hand through my hair out of frustration. 

"We're rangers, failure isn't a option." Brody said. "Let's go." All seven of us made our way toward the base. I just want this to get over with. We need to stop this, but how? My thoughts were all over the place. The feeling of something grabbing a hold of my hand brought me back to reality. I looked down and noticed Levi had grabbed my hand in his. I smiled softly at this.

"Hi." I heard a girl say behind me. I turned around and saw Preston being stopped by a girl. Sandy is her name, she's new in our science class.

"Hi." He said.

"I'm Sandy." The girl introduced herself. "I just transferred into your science class." Then she seemed to notice me as we stopped to wait for him. "Oh, hi, Isabella." I just gave her a small wave. She then turned her attention back to Preston. "Do you maybe, want to study?"

"I'm so sorry, but my friends and I are kinda in the middle of something." Preston said as the rest of us already started to walk away.

"Okay." She said sadly.

"Sorry." He apologized again as he turned around to catch up with us.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

"Well, it didn't work." We heard Mick say as we entered the base.

"Suffering circuits." Redbot said. Then he noticed us. "Oh, hello team." We walked over to the two. "I'm afraid we haven't had much luck."

"There must be a way to fix the Zord Stars." Brody said.

"We have been working on it since last night." Mick told us. "Super steel is just too melt down and reforge."

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