Chapter 12: Poisonous Plots

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"Bella, how do you know Aiden and Brody?" Levi asked as we walked through the center holding hands.

"I used my super speed to run around the world -" I said and Levi chuckled. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just the idea that you can run around the world is funny." Levi said.

"Anyway, I stopped to take a break and then I met Brody and Aiden. Since then I used every opportunity I had to visit them." I explained. then I got a text from Phoebe. 'Hey Isa, I hope you're not having it too hard today because of ......... you know.' it said. I sighed.

"Is something wrong?" Levi asked.

"It's just a day today where I'd rather not think back a few years." I said.

"This is about Nova, isn't it?" Levi asked.

"Yes. I don't want to think about it, but I get messages all day long that they hope I'm not having a hard time today." I said and signed. "I also understand why they do it, but then they remind me of that. I've finally gotten over my guilt feeling! Thanks for that, by the way." I said looking straight into his eyes.

"That was the least I could do." He said as he put his hand on my cheek and rubbed it. "But please don't ever think it's your fault again." He said before he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I think we better go before the others wonder where we are." I said when we pulled away. I took my arms from his neck while he took his from my waist. Levi took my hand and we started running back to the school. "Hey guys." I said as we approached them.

"Hey, Aiden was just about to tell his story." Brody said.

"On that day, 10 years ago, the day the monsters took Brody and almost took Isabella, dad told me to take the Ninja Steel and hide it. he said until he comes back, to stay hidden, like a ninja. I saw dad turn into a Power Ranger. I couldn't believe it. But then Galvanax hit dad hard. Our dad destroyed the star, but then he disappeared into thin air. He was gone. But I knew one thing for sure: I had to keep the Ninja Steel safe. I hid it in dad's trophy at the high school, then left you two the clue in our secret spot. I was terrified Galvanax would come after me, so I went away as far as I could go. When I saw the Power Rangers on tv, and you had this," Aiden said, holding up the Red Ninja Star, "I knew it had to be you, brody." Aiden explained to us as Sarah patted Brody's back as he walked up to Aiden.

"Dad would be so glad we found each other again. All three of us." Brody said, looking at Aiden and I as I smiled.

"That's for sure." I said.

"Hey, do you think I could come and see the Ranger hideout? What do you think?" Aiden asked us out of the blue.

'Wait what? Did he just ask it out of the blue?' I thought.

"Sure." Brody said like it was nothing.

"Uh, uh, Brody," Mick said, intervening, "I wonder if that's such a great idea. The prism, Ninja Steel, they're, uh, really only...they're only for Power Rangers."Mick said to Brody.

"But why was Chloe allowed into the base?" Brody asked.

"Chloe is 5! She didn't know what was going on here and she would find out anyway. Do you really think I would take Chloe to fight?" I said.

"Chloe was an exception. Sorry, Aiden." Mick said, turning to Aiden.

"Oh, th...that's ok."Aiden said to Mick."But do you think I could train with you guys?"Aiden asked us.

"Oh, uh, sure." Mick said.

The rangers all put on their warmups as we paired off.Brody and Sara, Preston and Calvin, Hayley and me, and Levi and Aiden. Hayley and I are working on hand-to-hand combat right now. She punched at me as I dodged the blow and threw a quick punch to her stomach, dazing her for a second.She charged at me as she threw some punches, knocking me down, but immediately I did a cat spring and bounced right back up.I kicked her legs out from under her and knocked Hayley down as I stood over her.

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