Chapter 50: Magic Misfire

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We, except for Preston were outside in the junkyard training. He's still with his magic club, I think. I'm not sure, though. I heard about the magical accident that occurred during the meeting, but I haven't seen him since. "Five Element Barricade!" All of us exclaimed, pointing our swords down to the ground. The place where they met the ground, glowed in our respective ninja colour. Then a barrier appeared around us.

"See? When you combine the energy of the five elements, it can create a pretty strong barrier." Brody explained.

"Fantastic! We can capture monsters and keep them from getting away." Calvin said as we pulled our swords up, making the barrier disappear.

"There you are." Sarah said, making me look up. Preston was walking towards us, but he didn't seem happy.

"Hey, Preston." Levi greeted. "Thanks for letting me burrow your Element Star."

"Sure." Preston said. 

"You still down about your spell hitting Mr. Lunt?" Levi questioned.

"Look, it's totally my fault that he got fired." Preston told us.

"Well, I say, we find a way to get Mr. Lunt his job back." Sarah proposed as she laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. He's a very good drama teacher." Hayley agreed. "Everybody loved him."

"It's true." Calvin said.

"Everybody loves him. You're right!" Preston said as he stood up. "You're right. What if we get the support of the whole school? That could work. Yeah."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked with a big smile. "I'm sure I have some clipboards laying in the base."

"Wait, you have clipboards inside our base?" Brody asked me confused. I just nodded. "Why?"

"Have you seen me working on my projects?" I asked them. "Somehow, I can't sit still when I'm working on a new invention or project. Don't ask me why, I have honestly no clue."

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

All of us changed out of our Ninja warmups and back into our normal clothes. Turned out that I had a document with petition paper on my laptop too. Inside the base, we formed groups in which we would try to collect signatures of fellow students. So, right now, I'm standing with Hayley and Levi in the hallway trying to get as many signatures as possible. I had my back towards them seeing I had gotten a boy who was walking by to sign. Just as I turned back around, I noticed two girls standing in front of Hayley and Levi.

"Just sign the petition right here, thanks." Levi handed the clipboard and pen he was holding over to the girl.

"Sure! I want to help." The girl told us before signing. After she was done she handed it to her friend too.

"We just want to help him get his job back." I heard Preston say.

"Absolutely." A female voice responded to him.

After a while, we decided to meet up in the main area of the school. Levi, Hayley and I were the first ones to arrive. With a sigh, I pulled myself up on the table. I pulled out my phone and noticed a text from Nora. With the Z-Force finals arriving soon, Nora has been keeping me in the loop with how things are going at home. Apparently, Phoebe and Max are obsessed with making their 100th save memorable like Mom and Dad's so they skip some petty crimes and only focus on the big ones. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head.

"What is it?" Levi questioned, making me look up confused. "What is going on?" He gestured towards my phone which was now lying on my lap.

"Nothing special." I shook my head. "Just some superhero stuff." He looked at me with a certain look, the one that told me he was not totally convinced with my answer. "No, really. It's just that Max and Phoebe want to make their 100th save memorable so bad that they skip some other crimes."

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