Chapter 24: Come with the Mayhem

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We are all in my living room now. We agreed to have a movie mararthon at my house. I put the last snacks on the table and took a seat on the sofa. I took a pillow and placed it on my lap and rested my arms on it. Suddenly I hear my Thundertablet go off. I used my telekines to place it in the holder that is connected to the TV. 

"Your family name is mentioned on the Metroburg super news." My Thundertablet said. 

"Connect with the Metroburg super news." I orded.

"I would like to remind you that The Super Awards are tonight and the winners of the Platinum Cape Lifetime Award are Thunderman and Electris. So make sure you are there!" Anderson Super said. I groaned while I leaned forward and buried my face in a pillow.

"Thundertablet shut down." I said annoyed as I took my face out of the pillow and then buried it back in it. 

"Aren't you happy they won?" Brody asked. 

"I am, but I don't want to go to such a stupid award show again." I said as I sat up again.  "It wouldn't be a bad thing if they didn't win a prize every week. Fortunately I managed to get under a pair of shows, but I can't get out of this one." I added with a sigh. 

"Why not?" Levi asked. 

"Because this is an important prize. And as my parents would say: 'It would be a shame for our family if our eldest daughter is not there. Especially now that she is no longer seen by the Hero Legeau.'" I said

"Still, I don't understand why this is so bad." Preston said. 

"Let me think. Every time my parents use the same speech, which is also long. I have to dress properly, which means that I have to put on a dress." I listed. 

"Why is the dress a problem?" Calvin asked. 

"When did you see me in a dress?" I asked. I got no response. "Exactly!" I said.

"Well, you did wear a dress at the dance." Hayley said.

"Yes, but that was an ordinary dress and not one that my parents want me to wear to an award show." I said. "Plus, you also have to take into account that the color of your dress can match your cape." I added. Then I realized something. "My cape." I said before I rushed up the stairs.

"Wait, what?" I heard someone ask.

I ran to my room and opened my closet. "Come on! Where is it?" I said while I searched. As I searched my closet I heard the rest walking to my room. The girls came in first and knew why I was so stressful and helped me search. 

"Why didn't you make a hidden part for your superhero suit? Because then you don't have this problem." Sarah said. 

"I have that in my room in my family's house, but here I don't need it because it's rare that I need my superhero suit or cape." I said. I saw something in the right shade of blue and took it out of my closet. Unfortunately it was my superhero suit. "Oh come on!!" I whined. I threw it on my bed and searched further. 

"Isn't this it?" Hayley asked, pointing to the cape that was folded in my closet. I took it out and sighed in relief. Then my phone rang. I looked at the name and saw Phoebe. 

"Hey Pheebs. What's up?" I asked. 

"I assume you've heard about the awards." Phoebe said. 

"Yes, and something in me says there is something going on that has to do with it." I said. 

"Max has-" Phoebe began. I groaned. 

"What has he done now?" I asked irritated. 

"He put a stink bomb under the podium that goes off during the super awards." Phoebe explained. 

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