Chapter 31: Tough Love

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All of us were walking by the docks. I wore black leahter shorts with a grey/silver top. I was holding Levi's hand while the other was holding onto his arm. "Yeah, do you guys wanna grab lunch?" Hayley asked.

"Sounds good." Brody replied.

"Hey, how about we-" Levi started but stopped. He looked up as he heard a girl sing one of his songs. "She's singing one of my songs." 

"She's pretty good." Preston commented next to me. 

"I have an idea." Levi said smiling making me let go of him. He pulled down his hat and walked over. 

"Uh oh." Sarah said. 

"Giddy up." Brody added. We all chuckled. Levi started to appoarch the girl without her knowing. The crowd gasped as Levi showed up. Levi then began singing as the girl turned around. 

{Both of them}

I'll be there

In moments of sorrow

I'll be there

Just tell it to your heart
My love's everlasting

I'll be there

There's no more denying

I'll be there
And never fall apart
Just listen to my heart

The song finished as Levi bowed to the girl before he applauded along with the crowd. "Yeah, Levi!" Sarah and I cheered. He turned around when he heard us and winked at me, making me blush a little with a smile before I blew him a kiss back. He smiled at me just before he turned around to focus on the girl in front of him. When the two of them talked I felt something, something I haven't felt before mixed with a feeling I knew too well. I furrowed my eyebrows a little, but someone noticed.

"Hey." Hayley said nudging me. "What's wrong."

"I just have this feeling." I said shrugging my shoulders as I crossed my arms and rubbed them.

"Wait, are you jealous?" Brody asked.

"I don't know what I'm feeling." I answered shaking my head. "It's something I never felt before mixed with one I already know."

"So, you are jealous." Preston said. I turned around to glare at him making him raise his hands in defence. "You never had something to be jealous about and now there is a girl talking to Levi about god who knows what." 

"It doesn't matter if you are. That only shows you how much you really love him and want him to stay with you." Hayley said. "As long it isn't unhealthly jealous." I wanted to say something when I heard a scream.

"Monsters! Run!" Someone shouted. Basherbots then appeared. Levi took the girl someplace safe. 

"Oh great, Basherbots." Sarah commented. 

"Come on, guys. It's Morphin' Time! Power Stars!" Brody shouted. 

"Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" We all shouted as we morphed. We all began fighting the Basherbots. 

 A small group of Basherbots went after me as I threw a hit at one. Another blasted at me, so I ducked and deflected away from the attack as the beam hit one of the Basherbots knocking it down. I flipped over one and grabbed his spear, taking it from his hands to defeat others. I teleported on top of a building not far from them. Then I took out my battle morpher and changed the mode. "Ninja Battle Morpher! Bow mode! Arrow blast!" I shot it in the air where it split, destroying all Basherbots that were after me. I regrouped with the others when all the bots were gone. We demorphed and ran from the scene. We then ran into Levi and the girl from earlier. The moment I saw her again I felt the same as when we first saw her. Levi turned around when he heard our footsteps.

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