Chapter 25: Thunder in paradise part 1

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I've had nightmares all the time for the past few days. And they are always the same.


Me and Phoebe are standing side by side on a stone above a lava flow. We both wear black clothes and have red strands in our hair. Both of us keep shooting plasma balls. We hear Dark Mayhem laughing viciously. We stop and our eyes glow red while Dark Mayhem continues to laugh.

~End nightmare~

I shoot up in my bed and breathe heavily. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my face with cold water. I lean on the sink, look in the mirror and see my eyes glow red. "What is happening to me?" I ask myself as I stare at myself in the mirror. Then I hear a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Bella, are you okay?" Levi asked. Did I mention that Levi almost never left me alone after the Award Show? That's because I zone out often and act weird through the nightmares. When I zone out, I think of the consequences that having Dark Mayhem's powers could have. 

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare." I replied as I walked out of the bathroom. 

"Are you sure? Because since the Super Awards you have nightmares every night." Levi said. 

"I'm sure." I said. I hate to lie to him, but what would happen if he knew the real story. During breakfast I got a message from Phoebe. She too has had nightmares since we got Dark Mayhem's powers. 'I'm going to visit Dark Mayhem to see if we can stop it' it said. 

'Great, I'm coming.' I sent back. "Levi, Phoebe needs me so I'm going to see her. So when you leave, can you lock the door? My key is on the table at the door." I said. 

"You do know we have to meet the others in the park later, right?" Levi asked. 

"I will be there. See you later." I said before I gave him a quick kiss, grabbed my helmet and walked out.  I got on my motorcycle en went to the Metroburg Superjail. 

Phoebe and I walked inside the area where Dark Mayhem's cell is. "Well, we meet again." Dark Mayhem said with his back to us. "ThunderGirl and ThunderWoman." He added as he turned around. 

"Dark Mayhem, I see you've been working on your dramatic turns." Phoebe said. 

"Yes, Well I've had a lot of time to practice. Since you had me trown in Superjail!" Dark Mayhem said. 

"Strongdor here too." Strongdor said while showing himself. 

"Oh, I begged them to put me in an isolation cell." Dark Mayhem said. 

"I understand. I don't blame you." I said while looking at Strongdor. 

"Why have you come? To revel in my humiliation?" Dark Mayhem asked. 

"No." Phoebe said. 

"Although it is quit of fun." I mumbled. 

"We here because I borrowed your powers from the orb and Isabella accidentally got them too and we can't put them back." Phoebe explained. 

"They are not just powers, but evil powers." Dark Mayhem said. "And now that evil is taken hold of you, from within." Dark Mayhem added. 

"No, that's impossible! I'm a superhero." Phoebe said. 

"Come on Pheebs, I know we shouldn't have come here." I said as I took her arm and walked away. 

"Then I guess you don't want to rule the world." Dark Mayhem said. That made us stop. We turned immediately. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"Strongdor also confused." Strongdor said. 

"With my evil you can complete my master plan. Everything you need is in a cave at the bottom of the Weeping Volcano in Hawaii." Dark Mayhem said. 

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