Chapter 27: Grave Robber (Halloween-Special)

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We were excited for halloween. Brody, Sarah, Preston, Levi and I were sitting normally singing. Then Calvin and Hayley joined us with some kind of board game in Calvin's hand and bags. "Hey guys, we got the Halloween costumes!" Hayley exclaimed as all five of us looked at her and Calvin, seeing her holding multiple brown paper bags.

"Oh, yea!" Preston exclaimed as Hayley handed Sarah a unicorn horn and handed me my tiara.

"Hey, guys, look what I got." Calvin said, sitting in between Brody and Sarah.

"Wow, a Halloween board game." Brody said as we all looked at the game: Grave Robber. 

'Cave Robber? Never heard of it.' I thought. 

"Let's play it before we go trick-or-treating." Brody suggested and we all agreed.

"Oh, yea." Sarah said, liking that idea.

"Uh, guys, I've never really like board games, and that one seems kind of lame." Levi said, looking at the board game. "Let's sing another song." Levi said, getting his guitar ready again.

"Come on Levi! It will be fun." Hayley said as I ran my finger over the letters of the box. Right when I did that my Thundersense went off.

"I don't think I will participate either." I said as I stepped back with a shocked look on my face.

"What? Bella, you usually like board games." Sarah said.

"Yes, but I don't feel like playing." I lied.

"Come on." Hayley said as she and Sarah tried to pull me along.

"I don't trust it okay!" I said.

"It's just a board game." Sarah said. I sighed as they pulled me with them.

⊹˙⋆ The Silver Ranger ⋆˙⊹

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"Hayley, do you think my tiara is right in place?" I asked as I walked up

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"Hayley, do you think my tiara is right in place?" I asked as I walked up.

"Yes, it's perfect." Hayley replied. Then Calvin walked over to us. "Hey, babe, when you gonna put your costume on?" Hayley asked him.

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