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Keith and kosmo teleported to another room underground when everyone was frozen by the device where the Druid left them. He looked around wide eyes but hid hearing footsteps coming towards them.

A blade scrapped across the stone ground behind macidus as Keith hid under the wooden bridge with his wolf, he waited hearing the Druid walk above him, there was a sound in the corner.

Macidus didn't waste time to attack the cargo with black lightning that he thought someone was hiding behind, little creature pests skidding around from the cargo. He growled a little seeing no one was there but continued to walk to the other door.

As soon as he was out sight Keith gulped a little and went to go back to the others.

Suddenly a sword went through the wooden bridge only inches from his face, Keith let out a scream backing away as macidus was now above them.

His hand charged with lightning but Keith hugged kosmo to teleport immediately from the bridge and behind him, running the opposite direction to escape.

But macidus cut them off as he teleported to the entrance with his blade ready, Keith glared taking his bayard in hand again. He went to run the other direction but the Druid was fast and already behind him making Keith gasp and swipe his blade at the druids mask, slicing it in half.

The mask fell and broke when it hit the ground. Only revealing macidus's true face, as he laughed menacingly before teleporting away.

"There is no escape but death," macidus chuckled as Keith frantically looked around to see how close he was.

He came from the side as Keith ducked and rolled to the side as kosmo teleported out of the way for Keith to fight against the Druid. He moved side to side avoiding the blade that was close to hitting him. Losing his bayard he grabbed his Marmora blade and blocked the druids.

Kosmo growled jumping at the Druid to help Keith but macidus vanished before the wolf got him. Keith panted looking around but tried to run again.

Allura focused her energy on trying to bring the devices effect to an end, using whatever power she had to use her magic, slowly but surly she was progressing to the power on herself to free the others. Hearing the noises below she knew Keith needed help against the Druid.

Keith panted to a stop as a tunnel he ran to suddenly had two ways to go, he used the moment to catch his breath and try to figure out where to go. He heard macidus teleport behind them and he glanced over seeing the Druid was still out for his blood.

He ran not caring where the tunnel took him, using kosmo to teleport ahead as the Druid was close on them with laughter echoing the air like it was a game.

Keith focused on running ahead but kosmo saw the Druid above with his sword coming down on them, using a moment to teleport them farther in the cavern and away from the sharp blade.

Keith looked alarmed seeing it was a completely different part of the caverns, a new light and no one around them. He looked behind where the light was coming from and gasped shocked seeing his marmoran leader tied back to the ceiling, a rope holding each limb.

"Kolivan," Keith breathed wide eyes. He was alive...

The sound of the galra breathing told him he was in pain, it was ragged and shaky, slow as well.

"I'll get you out of here," Keith gripped the blade tightly in his hand walking towards him.  But the familiar laughter of a cruel Druid stopped him.

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