Paladin again

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Lance walked into his room as he saw Lotor still sleeping with a slight snore as he hugged a pillow under his as he was still laying on his stomach. He laughed softly scratched the back of his ear seeing it flicker and the galra's purr came back making Lance laugh softly. Lotor pealed an eye open as he saw Lance and smiled at his love.

"Have I slept long enough?" Lotor asked muffled but sat up.

"No you can go back to sleep, I was just checking on you," Lance giggled but Lotor snatched him back into the bed smiling.

"Lotor!" Lance burst into laughter.

He shivered feeling Lotors hot breath on the back of his neck as he nuzzled his nose and purred loudly in his ear.

Lance faced Lotor siting up with a smile as he held the side of his lavender face while Lotor was laying on the bed still.

"How are you feeling?" Lance asked gently.

"Refreshed," he stated an Lance leaned down to peck his lips softly. Lotor smiled as he pulled Lance closer.

"We haven't gotten any time together have we?" Lotor breathed as Lance blushed but nodded.

Lotor pulled Lance away as he took a few minutes just to admire his lover with awe in his eyes. Lance blushed darkly as Lotor stared at him and smiled a little.

"You are the most beautiful thing I have been blessed with," Lotor whispered moving a piece of lances hair from the side of his tan smooth face.

"I truly do love you Lance, I don't think I've loved anyone as much as you," he sat up as Lance buried his face in his chest embarrassed as Lotor smiled at him.

"Don't tell me your embarrassed now?" Lotor held him to his chest as he loved how small he was.

"Everything I have done, is for our future, together, I will do anything for you Lance," he whispered as Lance looked at him smiling.

"I know mi amor," Lance kissed him happily.

"You know that right?" Lotor held the side of his face concerned eyes.

"I do, are you okay?" Lance held Lotors hand to his cheek to keep it there.

"I-I'm fine, just paranoid I guess," Lotor sighed.

"Don't worry lo, we won, we're going to be okay," Lance whispered intertwining their hands.

"What would I do without you?" Lotor closed his eyes with a heavy sigh but looked back at Lance relieved.

"Die cause your stupid like that," Lance laughed but it faltered slightly.

"Guess we really are damaged," he gulped and Lance laughed lightly laying down with him as Lance traced Lotors collar bones facing him.

"That's why I love you," Lance teased leaning against his chest.

They both gasped as they heard a loud frantic knock at the door and Matt ran in.

"Lance I need your help," Matt gulped with wide eyes.


"So she won't let you in?" Lance looked up at the blue lion as she had her dome around her keeping them out.

"She won't even respond to me, I don't know what to do," Matt put a hand on his hip with a sigh as Lotor looked at the lion, raising an eye brow.

"Come on blue, stop playing, there's something going on and Matt needs to do his paladin shenanigans," Lance walked to the shield and placed his hand on it but nothing happened.

"Blue?" He groaned knocking on it. Nothing.

"Hey? Blue, it's me," he grew worried looking at his old lion. "Lancey Lance?"

"Has she done this before?" Lotor asked looking at Matt.

"No, that's why im confused but with Lance around she'd want her paladin back but now..." He looked at Lance who was talking with blue quietly. "This is weirder than usual,"

"Blue you know we have to go help, everyone needs you too," lance groaned annoyed knocking on the shield.

"Wait... Do you hate me too?" He whispered looking at the lion.

"Blue you know me, best out of everyone, please open up girl," Lance begged wide eyes.

"It's useless," Lance turned away crossing his arms.

"It's happening to you too?" Allura ran in panicked with her pink paladin uniform on.

"Is the red lion not opening up to you?" Lotor looked at her as Allura slowed down to walk next to Matt.

"No, and it seems blue isn't either," Allura looked at the two boys.

"I can understand why she won't for me but for Lance it doesn't make any sense," Matt sighed shaking his head.

"Like I said, it's useless... I'm not made for a paladin," Lance waved the two Paladins off but they all spun around hearing a roar down the tunnel.

"Is red calling for you?" Matt looked at Allura as they where all surprised.

"No, she's calling for you," Allura breathed looking at Lance as he stood by Lotors side.

Lance looked at them then heard reds roar again to confirm her calling.

"Go," Lotor told him gently. "They need you,"

Lance looked at them wide eyes but Allura pursed her lips and handed Lance her red bayard.

"I told you, you do have greatness within," she whispered smiling as he took ahold of the bayard. "Now go,"

Lance gulped and began to run to red but as he was about to exit he looked back at Lotor as he smiled proudly at his mate with a nod as Lance ran out.

"We better go help Coran," Allura sighed looking at the remaining. Just as the two men began to walk away, Allura soon followed only to have the blue lion open up to her. She turned back at Matt and Lotor looked to see what happened.

"Guess your still a paladin princess," Matt chuckled handing her his bayard and Allura smiled softly looking at Lotor and back at blue.

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