I love you to much

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"Are you alright?" Lotor walked over to Lance as he was recharging his gun with a scowl.

"Lance? You look like you're about to explode," Lotor knelt next to him as he let out an irritated grunt setting his gun down.

"I mean how dare they? They ask me to join the team again, basically tell me my opinion doesn't matter when it's my boyfriend that would be risking his life as they all sit back and watch the show. Again!" Lance rambled crossing his arms and legs glaring at the ground.

"It's not fair, you don't deserve this, none of us do, they're heads are to far up their asses that they rather have us risking everything than they dare step on a real battle field!" He pushed himself up from the ground but Lotor grabbed Lance quickly.

"It's about my battle..." Lotor looked down at him softly.

"They rather risk my everything," lances voice broke.

"I just got you back... Now for this damn throne you have to start another battle," he whispered putting his head down as Lotor placed his hand on his lower back and between his shoulder blades as he pulled Lance in an embrace.

"I'm so sick of fighting, I don't care if im good at it," Lance didn't dare let go.

"Shiro is right, this is the final step before we truly are free," Lotor smiled gently as he kissed the top of lances head.

"So it's happening?" Lance looked up at him.

"I'm going to need help," he stated smirking.

"I need to start training again," Lotor whispered and Lance smiled back holding the side of his face rubbing his skin softly.

"Please don't die this time," Lance whispered.

"I could never," Lotor smiled looking down at him softly as he held Lance tightly. He dozed off as his eye lids felt heavy as he tried to stay awake rather to be with Lance than sleep.

"You haven't properly rested, come on sleepy head, you need some sleep," Lance slipped his hand into Lotors as he lead him out of the training room and down the halls as they kept their hands together and fingers laced.

"Have you thought about it?" Lotor asked as he gripped lances hand tightly.

"About what?" Lance beamed back at him.

"Returning to Voltron as a paladin, they're right that they need Voltron still," Lotor pursed his lips noticing Lance stiffening slightly as he walked.

"No, I'm not joining them, I get that the universe needs Voltron but matts not gone and they'll find another paladin, besides, you need all of us for the empire when you take it back," Lance nudged him smiling as Lotor chuckled.

"I thought we were going to train?" Lotor teased as they went to their room.

"You haven't slept Lotor, eight hours of sleep before you do anything, got it?" Lance pushed him on the bed as Lotor chuckled amused as he watched Lance strip his armor off his purple body.

"Don't... Don't leave so soon?" Lotor held his hand tightly as he pressed a kiss to lances palm.

"I'll stay till your sleeping," Lance smiled sitting on the bed with his legs cris crossed and pulled Lotor down when he placed a pillow over his lap and forced Lotor to lay on his lap and the larger man wrapped his buff arms around lances waist as he started to be defeated by sleep feeling Lance scratch the back of his ear and his neck.

Lance smiled hearing the large Galra Prince hum in delight and soon heard a purr work up from his throat as Lotor was almost asleep.

He covered his laugh to hide his laugh and stroked Lotors hair from his scalp and to the bottom of his neck knowing his lover enjoying the sweet touch of his own home.

"I love you too much... Heaven's my witness and this is a fact," Lance sang softly stroking Lotors hair gently as he smiled feeling Lotors grip around his waist tighten, knowing he was listening.

"I know I belong, when I sing this song... There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much," he smiled singing quietly only for one other to hear his voice.

"I live for your touch," Lance paused as Lotors body began to sink relaxing in his lap and arms.

"I whisper your name night after night
I love you too much," he closed his eyes leaning back as Lotors breath evened out slowly in soft breaths.

"There's only one feeling and I know it's right," he sang in a soft whisper.

"I know I belong... When I sing this song... There love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much," Lance bent down as he softly kissed the side of Lotors head smiling as he could tell he was passed out under the human.

Lance giggled hearing his purrs carry out as he wiggled out of Lotors grip and rolled away as he landed on the ground silently to let his Prince sleep in peace.

"Sleep well mi amor," Lance brushed his hair out of his face and stood up from knelling as he walked out of the shared room of the two and closed the door silently.

He pursed his lips looking at the door hoping he could maybe make a 'do not disturbed' sign for him.

"You okay?" Lance heard behind him and cried out a little in surprised turning to see Matt.

"Oh hey," Lance smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Finally got Lotor to agree to sleep for solid eight hours, make sure no one goes knocking please," he beamed at Matt shyly and went to walk away.

"Wait Lance," Matt jogged over to him. "This is yours, I know I tried giving it to you last time and it didn't end well but maybe just see how you fight with it first," Matt handed Lance his blue bayard.

"Matt I know you have things to do back at the rebels and all but your the best blue paladin we're going to find, plus you get to work with your sister," Lance pushed the bayard back to matts hands.

"I know, I've thought about it and if it was that easy then I wouldn't have offered but the rebels base needs me and I know Pidge will be fine... Especially with you here," Matt smiled gently.

"Go give it a spin, I'll need it back after though in case of an attack," Matt held the bayard out for Lance to take. The Cuban boy looked at the weapon of choice for the two Paladins.

He grabbed it feeling the familiar weight again and smiled gently at Matt and nodded.

"Alright I'll give it a spin," he agreed and walked back to the training room.

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