Set in Motion

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"No transmissions, varied radiation signatures," hunk was going through a tablet as Kinkade and lance had their snipers out and looking through the scopes while Veronica had her own binoculars.

"Approaching target location," Keith responded from the ground.

"Copy that ground unit, we've got eyes on you," Veronica found the team from above as the vehicle drove into a tunnel that would lead them where they needed to go and stay hidden in the sewers.

Lance kept his eyes on the team using his scope that could see past the building with heat signatures. Seeing all five bodies following the mission. But he also could see the drones coming up.

"Drone patrol ahead," lance warned them.


The team of five quietly made it through the tunnels avoiding the drones as they worked quickly under ground. They came close to the entrance of the galra base and stayed back a little to see if there was any guards.

"This is as close as we're going to get," Keith looked over the tipped car he, Pidge and Lotor hid behind.

"You two are with me," he looked at Lotor and Pidge.

"Negative, routes obstructed, it's to well guarded," Griffin disagreed as he held his gun tightly.

"That's why Lotors coming with, he knows the galra... lance you ready to cover us when we get inside?" Keith was ready with his blade in his hand and the two were ready to go.

"Ready to go,"

With that Keith user his space wolf to teleport all three of them.

Allura noticed griffins shock of the wolf.

"It's a cosmic wolf.." she tried to explain remembering that wasn't normal for humans.

"Huh.. I need to get me one of those," he smiled impressed.


The three appeared in the middle of a hall as Lotor looked back and recognized how the lay out was. He pulled up a screen in front of his helmet to see where they were, he scoffed at how Sendak laid out the base, exactly like his father to figure.

"We need to find a port where I can hack in," Pidge stood behind the men as cosmo stayed by them.

"A control panel or substation," she told them trying to figure out where to go.

"Follow me," Lotor understood and took the lead knowing where it would be.

"There's sentries on the other side of the east wall," lance told them through the helmet communicators.

They kept running and suddenly teleported mid way just as the soldiers turned where they once were. They reappeared by a door as Lotor put in a code he knew would work.

"You're clear," lance confirmed as the door opened to another hall.

"You're gonna have to take the right tunnel- wait shit, there's sentries approaching each side both tunnels," lance was able to see them coming as the three hid behind the wall between the tunnels.

"Coming up to you in three, two, one,"

They teleported again. Reappeared behind the sentries silently so they didn't see them.

"I got movement on the north, drones closing in on your position from the adjacent alley," kinkade told them as they were on the move once again. That's by Allura and Griffin.

"We've been spotted," Allura gasped.

Pidge knelt behind the wall as Keith and Lotor were on the other side with cosmo, she gave them hand signals and the boys understood her with firm nods before disappearing again. She jumped out from the hiding spot and started to make noise for a distractions.

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