Trials and error

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Allura panted as she climbed the mountain ahead with Lotor not far behind as they ventured up the mountain to seek knowledge of the lands. So far they only found out how sore they will be after.

"I wonder if father climbed this mountain," Allura stayed curiously as she focused on going on up.

"You know, I envy you growing up with king alfor, I always wanted to be an explorer and learn about the universe, my father was only interested in conquering it," Lotor grunted as he climbed up the mountain.

"He once put me in charge of a planet for a year, running the quintessence mining and getting to know the local population," Lotor shrugged as he saw they where close to a flat point rather than climbing.

"Rather than employ the usual galran methods of subjugation, I worked along side the leadership of the planet, learning their customs, I commonly used that strategy as I never thought violence would gain their motivation but rather as an equal, torture isn't a way to build an empire," Lotor pursed his lips as he got to his feet next to Allura.

"The same way you gained my Paladins trust," Allura smiled at him in awe almost.

"Well yes, I suppose due to me never wanting to truly hurt him but rather to use his talents and potential, not knowing how much he'd mean to me in the future," Lotor looked away blushing softly.

"It a smart way to gain ones trust Lotor," Allura nodded smirking at him.

"Yes, moving along," Lotor waved it off.

"So what happened to the planet?" Allura asked curiously.

"I enjoyed my time on the planet... but my father found out what was happening, he ordered me to destroy the planet, I refused... and he sent me away, exiled," Lotor swallowed a lump in his throat.

Dodging the sword that would've stolen his last breath if he moved smart and fast. Roaring as he swiped his own blade at the man that foolishly claimed to be his father.

Lotors footing stuttered but he pushed himself forward to continue the journey.

"At least you stood up for those people," Allura nodded.

"He destroyed them all, I was powerless to stop him,"

"I spent the following centuries searching for clues about my altean heritage, another culture destroyed by zarkon, with him gone now... that pattern will end, the things I am passionate for will last longer than the time it would take for a snitch to tell the bastard," Lotor didn't look back as he had a glare. He had someone to fight for, to live for. The bastard almost took that as well.

"I'm glad your here to help me now, I never would've gotten here without you," Allura said gently and Lotor looked back at her softly.

Maybe it was nice to have someone that you could share a culture with...


The two ventured out further in the lands as they found a pyramid temple that had glowing blue lights against the white stone of the architecture, they continued towards it.

As they made it to the structure to the entrance they saw a lion emerge from the frame as it turned around for them to follow inside. They did.

Lotor looked around in awe of the markings and the art inside the temple as it was abandoned inside. It was unfortunate lance would never be able to see this temple due to him not being an altean. He couldn't believe where he stood now, only stories and myths told him this much.

"Look at these ancient markings, they're beautiful," Allura cut him from his thoughts as he glanced at her.

"The temple of the Alchemists," Lotor nodded looking away.

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