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"Is everyone okay?" Hunk ran over with all the lions landing and they exited.

"We're alright, still Alive," Keith nodded.

Lotor looked over seeing Lance. He walked over but when Allura appeared from her lion he stopped. Lotor gulped and saw bruises covering lance, like he was tossed, his neck... and his arm was broken... it hurt to see how useless he was to someone he cared for.

Lance glanced over seeing where Lotor looked and sighed seeing it was the princess, of course. Lotor was uncomfortable with her, he knew that much was so obvious, even to lance.

"So can we go home now?" Lance shook his head.

Shiro opened his mouth to answer but there was a loud booming in the sky. They all looked up shocked to see a large object coming from space and heading to them like a meteorite.

"What is that?" Pidge asked confused.

It crashed into the desert not even a mile away, and Lotor could sense it wasn't something safe, but also not something from his previous empire.

"Everyone get in your lions now," Lotor watched where the object crashed. His pointed ears perked up.

"Why? What is it?" Allura asked. Lance watched Lotor, his ears twitched for a second and went down.

"Get in the lions," lance nodded backing up to get to red.

They all ran back as Shiro went to the black lion, Lotor pursed his lips to go to the black lion but hunk touched his arm. The yellow Paladin smiled gently and motioned to his lion. Lotor agreed and ran back to the lion with him.

They took off to fly to the object, they circled it as it stood.

Lotor gasped shocked seeing his sincline that everyone thought was destroyed in the battle. Lotor felt sweat run down his neck trying to breathe. That was his. His creation.

"No.. how..." Lotor gripped the back of hunks chair.

"What. the fuck. is that?" Pidges jaw dropped. They all were shocked.

"Take it down!" Keith barked.

"On it!"

It powered up and immediately started shooting from a wrist gadget on one arm. While it double sided synth was in its other hand.

Everyone dove out of the way and tried shooting back, the new enemy spun the long weapon easily blocking the blasts spinning it quickly.

"Lance, Lotor, explain?!" Allura cried out when it started to shoot back.

"It's not mine!" Lotor yelled back harshly.

"Yea no, as much of a compliment that would be that we could make it... that's not our cannon ships! Look at how it's built, the way it moves, somethings not right," lance grunted a little.

"I need to get back to the atlas, Lotor I need too," Shiro narrowed his eyes. "I need to get back,"

"We're here and ready to help," they heard same and saw the atlas joining them.

"Alright let's get it distracted so the two can go," Keith started to move back towards the atlas with hunk so they could drop the men off.

"As soon as we get back, we form voltron,"

"If you can, keep some of it intact, at least the source, I want to know who or what created this," Lotor told the Paladins coldly. It was almost like that thing was insulting.

The two men dropped from the lions jaws and landed on top of the atlas. The battle machine seemed to notice despite how tiny the two beings were, it was focused on Lotor and Shiro.

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