One day

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"I'm telling you Branko's wanton attack was only the beginning," Lotor told the team with lance at his side as the generals where on their way back with Samuel Holt . In the middle of the galra and the Paladins. "Without an emperor, more and more high ranking officials will start lashing out and consolidating their power at the Kral Zera,"

"Uh just gonna jump in here... what is the Kral Zera?" Hunk put his hands together as he stood next to Pidge and lance. "Is there food there? It sounds awful fancy,"

"Its a battle for the throne hunk, not a banquet," Lance had his arms crossed raising a brow at his friend.

"It's the coronation ceremony actually for a new emperor or empress," Lotor nodded as he looked at Lance.

"It is held on one of the first planets we the galra have conquered," he explained, there was a little dread when he included himself as the galra. "Planet Feyiv, a sacred land,"

"Okay so who will be at this Kral Zera?" Shiro asked.

"Allow me to show you," Lotor turned but paused. "May I princess?"

"Go ahead," Allura nodded and Lance pursed his lips when Lotor pulled up a screen that showed other galra.

"Warlord Ranveig is one of the fiercest galra in the empire," Lotor show a very strong looking man with heavy armor. "That's why my father sent him to the fringes of the universe,"

"He will already have several factions pledging their allegiances,"

"I'm guessing you don't get that title by being nice," Matt pursed his lips crossing his arms.

"Commander Gnov was one of zarkon most trusted advisors, she will be unifying zarkon inner circle of commanders, they know what they will be getting with her," Lotor pulled up another galra But was a woman.

"She's not as reckless as warlord Ranveig, but she's just as cruel," he glared.

"Quarter master Janka, he is responsible for overseeing supply routes throughout the empire, don't let his stature fool you, his power is bureaucracy and he should not be underestimated," he showed a shorter but wider galra that seemed to be more intelligent than strong.

"He keeps popping up in my data base, his supply chain management is incredible, he defiantly color codes," Pidge put her hands on her hips smirking.

"So organized evil, nice," hunk sighed.

"Stop complimenting the enemy," Lance smirked smugly and she snorted.

"We can't risk any of them taking control of the empire," Shiro turned to the team.

"We already discussed this, it's far to risky," Allura frowned.

"I know I agreed with Allura before but with what happened on Olkari the risks are worst and the attacks are going to increase, that was just a taste of what will happen if we're not there," lance told her.

"You said no more risking lives!" Allura cried out.

"And how many lives were risked with the beast on Olkari?" Lance defended as Lotor nodded.

"When the empire lashes out, everyone is at risk to suffer," Lance sighed crossing his arms as he chose his words carefully.

"How are we going to get Lotor there even without stirring up the fight?" Pidge asked.

"I'll be bringing Voltron," Lotor spoke up.

"Yea because Voltron never gets in fights..." Hunk said flatly.

"We can't allow that to happen..." Allura replies calmly but worry tinted her voice.

"I'm sorry to hear that,"

They all looked at Shiro with wide surprised eyes. Lotor looked at Shiro as he walked away but noticed lance shake his head as well. The team was breaking up slowly...


"Your troubled," Lance heard behind him as he held his pistol gun from the galra empire and shot a target across the room. Lotor stood at the door with his arms crossed.

"None of this is right," he sighed. "With what I said about Shiro on the Olkari this just strengthens my point, ever since we came here..."

"I noticed," Lotor nodded. "After today, we go home,"

Lotor walked over and got on one knee in front of lance as he grabbed his hand. Lances breath stopped as Lotor kissed his hand softly. "I promise,"

"This isn't a proposal is it?" Lance blushed smiling.

"When i propose to you, when I ask for your hand and your love as long as we both shall live, it will be when I know both of us will live for a very long time, death will not part us so soon while battles are part of our daily," Lotor smiled kissing his knuckles to his arm, he stood up and kissed lances shoulder and to his neck.

"When?" Lance laughed as his heart thudded against his chest as Lotor pushed him on his back and towered over him.

"I will marry you one day Lance McClain, for when I become emperor of the galra, I couldn't imagine it without you by my side, not as my general but also as my husband," Lotor smiled and kissed his forehead longingly as he closed his eyes.

"Yes," Lance held his hand against Lotors face with a grin. "I want to be there with you, and only you Prince Lotor,"

"Save that for when I have a ring," Lotor kissed his lips softly and Lance laughed into the kiss.


Pidge and hunk sat at computers as their fingers danced across the keypad. Pidge glanced up at hunk and looked at his screen confused.

"Hunk? What are you doing?" She asked as hunks facial was calm.

"Why are you single modulating the gendocam?" She looked at him frowning.

"Settle down Pidge, it's a gendocam not a vlexagane okay?" Hunk waved her off. "Single modulation is fine,"

"You should double modulate everything," Pidge said matter of fact but hunk looked at her in disbelieve.

"Are you crazy? That's a waste of a button press," he laughed.

"Sorry to interrupt," a voice popped in as a man walked by Pidge.

"Hey dad real quick, how do you reconfigure a gendocam?" Pidge asked not thinking twice as she motioned to her screen.

"Oh great question, well... you start off by double modulating-" Sam began as he had on new clean clothes with his facial hair trimmed up and he was showered and clean.

"AHA! I told you!" Pidge laughed at hunk but her eyes widen in shock.

"Wait? Dad!" Pidge spun seeing her father and she jumped off her chair to leap into his arms as Sam laughed at his youngest.

"I can't believe your here!" She held onto him around the neck.

"I'm here katie," Sam held her held softly as his fingers touched her short hair.

"I missed you so much," Pidge buried her face into his shoulder as a few tears escaped.

"I missed you too," he whispered.

"I told you she'd be to into science to notice you first," Matt walked in smirking at the little holt reunion.

"You both aren't what I remember I left you as, one it was on earth, two, your hair-" Sam pointed to Pidge and she laughed nervously. "And you, you where shorter and suppose to keep running," he looked at Matt who whistled innocently.

"A lot happens in a year," Pidge hugged her dad again and he sighed smiling and hugged her back.

"You have explaining to do to your mother,"


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