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Lotor rested his arms on the edge of lances bed as he put his chin on top, sitting in the chair on the side, watching the tv while lance was back asleep, he kept quiet but he didn't want to leave. There was a knock at the door.

"Mm who is it?" Lance opened one eye looking at the door as Lotor buried his face in his arms exhausted of socializing.

"It's me," Veronica peaked in but was shocked seeing Lotor in the room.

"H-how is he-" "he won't bite you, come in," lance cut his sister off as he sat up and Lotor sat up as well.

"What's up?" He asked as Veronica left the door open and kept an eye on Lotor.

"Doctors said your injuries should heal within the week, your arm will be the last but it was a clean break," she hugged her body nervously.

"Cool, so like is this my place now or am I getting my own cabin like Shiro? I'm not bunking again," lance asked tilting his head to the side curiously.

"Wha- your coming home right?" She blinked confused.

"Like... to mom and dads..?" He started to shuffle uncomfortably.

"Of course," Veronica nodded hopeful.

"Fuck no, I'll talk to iverson to get a cabin, dont worry I'll be fine here," he snorted crossing his arm over his broken one.

"Lance it's been five years since you've left.. please just come for a little?" She asked.

"No," he looked down.

"Lance-" "I said no, I might be back on earth but this isn't h-home," lance snapped finally and Veronica was surprised to hear him like that.

"Alright, alright, I know, just don't do anything risky," Veronica sighed softly shaking her head.

"And it might be better for you to spend more time with your team," she sent Lotor a dirty look.

Lance glared at her annoyed, she got the hint and left the room.

"I should go too, I don't want to get you in trouble," Lotor stood and lance slid down in the bed with the blanket over his shoulder.

"Are you angry?" He raised a brow.


Lotor sat back down as lance had his back to him.

"Does your sister think I'm feral? She looked at me like a wild animal," he smiled gently and lance turned around raising a brow.

"I don't think she even knows the truth with us," the human said flatly.

"I'm guessing that's staying a secret for a bit?" He sat with his hands in his lap.

"I don't think it would be a good idea, for now," lance laid back down pulling the blanket tighter.

"Understood," Lotor pursed his lips a little leaning back and looked at the tv again.

"Can I ask why you don't want to see your parents? You've wanted to be home for a long time," he asked and lance stiffened a little.

"I don't think I have a home anymore," lance closed his eyes.

"My parents hate me, yes I missed them in space but I think it was me in my own world thinking if I came home with voltron as the universes hero they'll love me again, but I came back in handcuffs and once again another near death experience, I haven't seen them otherwise," he sighed sitting up to face Lotor again.

"They threw me out after chloe died, I haven't seen them since, I can't believe Veronica would even ask something like that, she's been the only one that looked after me," lance scoffed.

"You don't owe them a thing, don't go then," Lotor offered gently. "You did enough just coming back to earth with voltron, and saving earth, you are a hero lance,"

"I don't feel like a hero," he mumbled with his arms crossed.

"What do you feel then?" The galra leaning back in his seat.

Lance looked at him calmly, he smiled a little shaking his head.

"I don't feel anything, I don't care I'm back on earth, that I'm a Paladin, i don't feel like we won a war, just nothing," he smiled sadly back at his friend.

"Is that dumb?" Lance laughed a little. Lotor shared a pitiful smile shaking his head.

"Not in the slightest, I think it's not that you don't feel anything, maybe you just haven't found what your looking for yet," lotor smirked a little.

"I don't know what I'm looking for though," he sighed.

"Well, you have plenty of time and the whole universe to figure it out," the hybrid nodded softly. Lance blushed at the way he looked at him, it reminded him of how they were in the beginning, the understanding and the support, the listening. Damn it made Lance remember why he fell in love with the jerk in the first place.

"Thanks Lo," lance whispered.

"Of course, lance," Lotor tilted his head to the side as he smiled at lance.

"No, thanks for everything, I've been cold these last few weeks, and your still trying," he gulped a little.

"I owe it to you, to be better right? It's been a rough couple weeks for us all," Lotor put his hand over lances. Lance touched it and looked over seeing Lotor keeping his prosthetic hand in his own lap.

Lance reached over and grabbed his other hand, Lotor paused at the touch as lance studied the new hand, there was guilt in lances eyes. Lotor got on the bed and let lance explore to his wrist, touching the cool metal.

"Don't be upset my love, I'm thankful it's just my limbs, I'm okay now," Lotor brushed his hair out of his face and tilted his chin up.

"Does it still hurt?" Lance asked placing his hand on Lotors wrist that held his chin.

"No, I don't feel where I lost," he caressed lances jaw. His stomach felt weak when he was able to touch Lance again.

"I probably should go," Lotor sighed pulling away and lance nodded quickly.

"Yea, I'm tired anyways," lance licked his lips as Lotor went to leave.

The galra opened the door and went to make sure it was closed behind him before he heard a soft voice from the room.

"Thank you again, Lotor,"

He smiled softly and closed the door.

"I'll make it up to you," Lotor touched the door closing his eyes.  Lovers or not, lance deserved a friend that would listen to him.

"Lotor, I've been looking for you," Allura jogged over to him wide eyes.

"Pardon?" Lotor turned surprised.

She looked over at where he just left and knew it was lances room.

"Are you and lance together again..?" She asked out of curiosity.

"No," Lotor pursed his lips disappointed. Allura held her breath to hide her true feelings but nodded.

"I need you now Lotor, there's something you need to see," she shook her head looking back at him.

"What is it?" He frowned.

"It's the sincline," she said calmly.

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