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"Is everyone okay?" Lance groaned as they laid in the dirt as the fighter was destroyed.

Pidge groaned as she felt something protecting her and gasped with Lotor protecting her head against his shoulder. He looked down at the child panting at the impact letting go of the youngest.

"Are you okay?" Pidge asked as Lotor sat up. 

"I'm fine," Lotor nodded keeping his eyes down but she helped him up as everyone got to their feet seeing no one was seriously injured.

"There's a city up ahead," Keith motioned seeing tops of buildings, everyone started walking towards it leaving the destroyed fighter behind, Lotor had a limp but hunk stayed by since he was the best height to be held onto and could actually catch the galra if needed.

Lances breath stopped as he made it to see the actually city. It was abandoned and broken. He knew this city...

"Hey I know this place," hunk frowned, there was buildings crumbled and fallen on its side.

"It's plaht city," Lance said calmly.

"It's about a half hour from the garrisons," hunk looked at him nodding.

Lance pursed his lips, it was only a two hour drive form his home town.

"So this is all that's left, huh," he crossed his arms with hooded eyes watching the city with no life left.

"We need to get to the garrison, stay together," Keith walked forward. "Let's move quick and quiet,"

They made it down to the city as Lance took the lead with his blaster as hunk was close by with his own, everyone behind staying silent. Looking around the city if there was any life, galra or human. Cars abandoned and destroyed, windows shattered and glass at their feet.

Suddenly there was blasts at the Paladins from above, Lance gasped looking up but a large hand pulled him back and under a car as he looked back seeing Lotor crouching down behind him by the car.

"Everyone take cover!" Lotor barked as they dodged the blasts as Keith dove by them.

Hunk hid behind a building but used his long range weapon to take little sphere galra devices that shot at them above.

Lance stood and shot but grunted when a blast hit the car in front of his face.

"I'll distract  it, you take the shot," Keith pulled him down as the three hid behind the car.

"Don't miss," Keith sent him a look and Lance nodded. He jumped over the car running ahead  so the spheres followed him, Lance didn't hesitate to stand and turn his blaster into a sniper rifle as he locked onto the two targets that chased Keith.

Two shots and they were both down.

Lance turned to the side taking two more spheres down with his gun recharging within seconds, keeping his stance strong and ears open for anything else to attack.

"Clear!" Lance called to the others.

"I wonder how many of these things there are around here," Keith walked back as everyone joined again looking at the broken sphere.

"Pidge, any chance we could see those things before they get to us?" He asked but she was already on it looking at the computer in her armor.

"Looks like we got four more heading our way," Pidge told them.

Everyone gasped when more blasts came through and they ducked down again but Shiro glanced over glaring.

"It's not drones," he told them and they saw droids with blasters coming at them.

"Aim for the head and chest, that's the main points of their power," Lotor called over to Lance and hunk who were already getting closer to fire back.

The yellow and blue color Paladins  were firing at the droids but more sphere devices came behind them and started blasting, they gasped seeing a droid running at them but suddenly a car crashed into it and another pulled up with soldiers blasting at the galra technology.

"Stay down we got it!" A girl yelled taking down the spheres with her hand gun. They were in garrison uniforms.

"The drones send distress signals when attacked," the other boy told them annoyed from the truck that hit the droid as the Paladins came out from the hiding places.

"Our weapons neutralize those signals so unless you want to deal with a swarm of those things, let us handle it," he walked over with a glare but saw they were human. Mostly.

"Let's get out of here before more show up," the garrison said sternly as Keith looked at him. He recognized him. James Griffin.

Everyone loaded up in the two trucks as they drove at a quick speed, Lance sat very still anxiously as he hated car rides.

A half hour went by and they saw a large dome around where the garrisons would be, the drivers sent a signal out for the door at the front to open and they drove right in without slowing down. They were in the garrisons. They were safe.

The humans gasped a little seeing people waiting at the meeting point in the dome.

"Mom?" Pidge whispered.

The trucks came to a stop slowly and opened the tops as all humans stood up shocked seeing familiar faces.

"Katie!" A woman screamed running to them.

"Mom!" Pidge jumped out and straight into her mother's arms sobbing.

"Katie... I'm so glad your home," Colleen whispered into her daughters hair with tears.

Everyone slowly got out of the garrison trucks not believing they actually made it, Coran and hunk helped Lotor get out as he was looking a bit sick.

Lance looked over at his exe a bit sad, Lotor caught his eyes and gulped nervously.

"Lance!" A female voice shrieked.

Lances head whipped around with tears in his eyes immediately.

"Veronica!" Lance covered his mouth as a few tears ran down his face. He sprinted towards his oldest sibling and they crashed into each other.

"You're alive, you're alive..." she sobbed into his shoulder as Lance had more tears run down his face.

"V," he whimpered. Lance looked up wide eyes seeing his parents and other siblings...

"Mama," Lance whispered but she looked away. His niece and nephew waved excitedly seeing him but no one else came forward.

"Hey look at me," Veronica touched the side of his face to bring his eyes back to her.

"I'm proud of you," she smiled at her baby brother.

Lances jaw trembled as he broke down in sobs holding her hand as he fell to his knees.

Lotor smiled gently seeing someone was able to greet him back home as his older sister held him tightly.

"Where's my family?" Hunk gulped looking at same.

"... we'll get them back soon," Sam told him softly.

"Takashi?" They heard from the side.

Shiros eyes widen as he froze. He turned to the side and his jaw dropped.


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