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They landed on one of the lions in Saturns rings to stay out of sight and hidden from the radars.

Pidge and Allura boarded the yellow lion.

Lotor looked up hearing footsteps that were much lighter than hunks, he ran a hand through his hair and moved it to the side, raising a brow seeing the girls.

"Paladin, Princess," Lotor nodded. "You look well,"

Allura paused at the sound of his voice, heat crawled up her face as she looked at him, light blush on her cheeks that she hated, seeing him again made her heart skip a beat.

"Hey Lotor," Pidge walked forward as Allura stayed back a little.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" He asked with a small sigh. He looked at Allura unamused as she was staring at his amputated limbs.

"You're coming with, no offense but we can't leave you alone in the lions," Pidge told him and scanned him with her armors device.

"I'm also sending my dad your measurements for your prosthetics, I made you some with the time we had but I don't have the tools, it's my first time making them..." Pidge pursed her lips showing him the blueprints.

"Oh, thank you," Lotor was a little surprised.

"Hey you can shapeshift right?" She asked as she grabbed Lotor some cloth to wrap around his shoulders to hide his arm.

"I can," he nodded slowly.

"Well if you shift into your altean form you'll just be another altean like Romelle, keep you out of trouble till later," she smiled gently.

"What? No," Allura made a face.

"Lotor will be going on trial when we get to earth for his crimes," she told them a little upset.

"No offense to anyone but Lotors war crimes are not the biggest issue right now, he's not dangerous anymore, Sendak took over earth and he needs to be taken down, we can't worry over if Lotor will be in jail or not," Pidge snapped back.

"Hey I know it's going to be shit but I threw together a prosthetic until we get to earth for Lotor," hunk walked over to them with his own equipment. "It's just a leg so you can walk,"

"Alright, does it work?" Lotor asked shuffling so his legs were over to end of the bed. Hunk knelt down to him, at least it was just the knee and down and not the whole leg.

"It won't fall off," hunk strapped it on.

"Try standing," he stood back up and offered Lotor a hand. Pidge got close in case she needed to help... despite her size vs Lotors size.

They counted to three and hunk pulled Lotor up to his feet. Lotor gasped in pain as he grabbed onto hunk closing his eyes tightly.

"Sorry, sorry," Lotor whispered as he tried to steady himself. "I'm not fully healed,"

"Well your going to have to deal with it until we get to earth," Allura glared.

"Obviously Princess," Lotor glared back.

"What still hurts? You were in the pod?" Pidge asked as she helped him steady when he let go of hunk. He was almost over two feet taller than her.

"The burns on my body, the pod helped the infection go away but I am still freshly missing two of my limbs," Lotor said flatly and her eyes widen awkwardly.

"Here, try standing on your own," Pidge moved to the side and put her hands up in case. Lotor grunted as he held his side that has the burns but he stood on his own. He took a step forward, his knee shook but forced himself to walk. He was already weak enough.

"It'll do for now, excuse me if I'm not fast though," Lotor panted as sweat ran down the side of his head.

"Good enough for now, you're heavy and I don't want to carry you," Pidge smiled up at him but there was no smile back like he use too. She forgot what Lotors done sometimes.

"Are you angry with me?" Lotor limped with a hand on hunks shoulder, he's never had to rely on someone like this.

"I was," Pidge nodded. "But I just remember you weren't always evil, you got me my dad back, but I just want to know why you did everything in the last battle,"

Lotor looked down and stayed silent. Pidge glanced at him sadly seeing the shame weighing him down, he regretted it and it was obvious. She knew that it won't be that easy for Lotor to gain trust again.

"Alright everyone load in the fighter!" Keith called as he jumped into the pilots seat while everyone else would be below.

Lotor was the last to go in as he sat with Pidge and hunk and Coran in the back, he felt eyes on him and glanced over seeing Allura with Romelle who looked angry still, he glanced over at Lance who looked at him.

"Oh this is going to be that kind of awkward," hunk gulped wide eyes as Lance rolled his eyes leaning back and looking away. Shiro sat next to Lance and offered him a soft look for comfort.

"Say hi?" Coran offered to Lance and he glared at him unamused.

"No," he crossed his leg over his other leg as kosmo laid his head on lances lap.

"I hope the mice and cow aren't to frightened without us," Allura pursed her lips. No response.

"Let's just get to earth in silence," Keith sighed shaking his head as they flew past the other planets to get past the galra.

"Okay hang on, we're entering earth's atmosphere," he called back as the ship started to get rocky.

"Weird, this is exactly how we left earth, crammed in the cockpit of the blue lion," hunk laughed nervously. There was a loud rumble throughout the ship.

"We're over weight! I'm losing altitude," Keith grunted as he flew into the earth.

"Brace for impact!"

Keith tried pulling up but it was to late, the fighter crashed into the desert as everyone yelled before the impact.

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