Old times

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Lance leaned against the wall as he had his arms crossed to his chest tightly and his head rested back with his eyes drooping close once in a while before fighting off the sleep.

He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and lance let out a scream of fear jumping away but his jaw dropped seeing shiro.

"S-shiro! Your okay," lance smiled brightly as the leader sat with him against the wall as Lotor laid in the bed on the same wall but shiro didn't see.

"How you holding up?" Shiro smiled back softly at him like he was still the same kid he knew before everything.

But shiro could see physical changes in lance, there was a small pink scar above his eyes brow, he looked sick almost but he recognized it as sleep deprived and stressed.

"They told you everything didn't they?" Lance asked not looking at shiro.

"Um you were captured by Lotor a little over a year ago, somehow you became one of his generals, along the way you two became a couple, you two come to the castle surrendering, allies, zarkon died, everything sounded good after that until Lotor was confronted about killing some alteans or something," shiro put a hand on his chin thinking and lance scoffed with a smile.

"Got a good summary," lance rested his arm on his knee. "What are the details they hit you with?"

"Umm let's see, your best friend isn't hunk anymore but they all claim it's a chick name ezor who is a galra hybrid, you enjoy the galra more apparently, you struggle with finding your place from Paladin and general," shiro listed again.

"And you and Allura are fucking pissed at each other which Allura stormed out before she would explain," he smirked and lance nodded impressed.

"Lie, Narti was my best friend before he died but don't tell ezor," lance teased back.

"How is Lotor? Who some how made you into the person you are today? I don't understand but I think I'm impressed," shiro raised an eye brow as they both smiled.

"Shiro... how did you react when you lost your arm?" Lance looked down as his smile drifted.

"I was in shock, horror, it was terrifying when I saw I didn't have my arm anymore but in my head I could still feel it, even if it wasn't there," shiro sighed deeply as he looked at his missing arm again.

"But once you got your prosthetic you were okay?" Lance gulped.

"The tech defiantly helped, lance... what happened?" Shiro looked at him frowning a little.

"Come on," lance sighed getting up and offered him a hand to get up as well.

Lotor laid in the bed as shiro could see the scar on the side of his face, but when lance lifted the blanket everything seemed so much clearer. There was the clean cut of a blade from Lotors knee and his arm was wrapped up. Double amputees. The wrappings around his other arm, chest and neck told him it was a terrible fight to loose.

"Since your out of the pod he stands a chance," Lances voice was shaky as he kept his head down but didn't show his face.

"Lance, why do you want Lotor to live even if it causes him pain?" Shiro asked softly. It wasn't to tell him he was wrong or right, he wanted to know seeing how it tore lance apart just seeing his boyfriend like this.

"Because I'm tired of never getting a chance to say good bye, and I don't want to loose him, I don't care if it's selfish, I just don't care anymore," lance didn't cry as his eyes felt dry, maybe he cried everything he had already.

"Dead or alive, I know I'm not going to love anyone as much as I'm going to love him, and I hate him for that," he rasped looking away and shiro looked at lance calmly.

"I had a fiancé," shiro smiled a little.

"Suborn fuck but I love him, still do, first friend at the garrison, partners for everything and eventually I asked him out, but when I got sick he did everything he could do to get me to stay instead of going on that kurberos mission," He sighed explaining as lance listened.

"He couldn't take it anymore and left me before I went, I never got to say good bye to him, and I died a few times to many to know how important good byes are lance, I don't blame you for doing what you can to save love as long as you see something worth saving," shiro put a hand on his shoulder and lance felt his lip tremble.

"I'm so mad at him, but I love him," lance whispered brokenly.

"That's okay, that's what love it, just make sure your still your own person, don't rely on him being the thing that makes you strong, Ive seen you strong before Lotor was even in any of our lives, even as a cadet," shiro smiled comfortingly.

Suddenly lance wrapped his arms around shiros shoulders and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so glad your back," lance sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm so tired,"

"I won't try leaving again," shiro rubbed his back gently seeing the child in lance come out again.

"I was so hard, they don't care about me anymore, Alluras hit me and kissed Lotor and I'm still the bad guy, I'm so tired of it," he sobbed. Shiro frowned and tightly squeezed him in comfort letting him know he was there.

"You get some sleep lance, I'll have Hunk bring the pod over and some water and food for you both, tomorrow we're heading back to earth so you'll need your energy," shiro pulled him away as lance quickly wiped his tears with his palm.

"I can't, Lotor is unstable and-" "I'll watch him, he'll he in a pod so he'll be okay," shiro told him smirking confidently. Lance hugged his body making his frame seem slim and small despite him being tall.

"Okay," he whispered nodding.

"I'll go get the pod and take care of it, we need you still lance," shiro nodded walking away as lance stood there looking at Lotor. He felt better knowing he wasn't going to be pushed aside, something about shiro made him feel better. Like old times.

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