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"Hey narti, so are you like blind and mute or how can you fight so well?" Lance laid on the ground with his head next to the galras leg with kova in her lap. Kova looked at lance and slowly blinked.

"Okay right You can see through the cats eyes but like everything else? And before kova cause I know that's Lotors cat not yours," lance smiled a little as ezor and zethrid walked in the room and saw them.

"Stop harassing her," zethrid said flatly.

"I'm not!" Lance sat up wide eyes as ezor sat down and pet the cat.

Narti didn't seem phased by any of them as she stayed still.

"I know right?" Ezor snorted.

"What? You can understand her?!" Lance gasped as Axca and Lotor walked in but paused seeing them all on the ground.

"My fine fine generals who many fear, what are you doing?" Lotor crossed his arms unamused and lance smiled up at him.

"Hanging," lance laid back down with his head on narti's lap.

"Your being hung?" Axca asked distressed and confused.

"What? No, hanging out, hanging around? Enjoying each other's company? So and so? Throwing things at the crew?" Lance laughed as ezor giggled leaning her head on narti's shoulder.

"Yes," zethrid was intrigued with the one activity.

"No," lotor said flatly.

"Did you want us to invite you?" Lance teased. Lotor blushed looking away and tried keeping the annoyance on his face with his arms crossed.

"That's unprofessional," Axca stood up for her prince.

"Your butts unprofessional," ezor cackled, she and lance high fived as Axca was horrified.

"You're teaching them earth terms?" Lotor sighed pursing his lips to hide his smile now at Axca's embarrassment.

"Yea it's really funny," lance giggled as kova pawed at his nose since he took her spot on narti's leg.

"Join us oh so serious ones," lance reached his arms out smiling.

Axca scoffed rolling her eyes but watched Lotor walk forward and sit next to lance, petting the back of kova's head as she purred. Ezor smiled back at Axca as zethrid was impressed. No ones ever gotten Lotor to willingly sit on the floor, relax like this, spend time with them without speaking of war. Not until lance joined them. Axca sighed and sat on the ground with her legs crossed.

"Why do you sit on the floor when the chairs are perfectly fine?" Axca asked.

Narti touched ezor and she listened. Agreed and smiled at lance.

"Earth culture," ezor nodded and lance gave a thumbs up.

"Correct," lance agreed.

"That's a lie isn't it," Lotor looked down at lance with a smirk.

"Maybe not a complete lie," he grinned childishly. They looked at each other and both blushed looking away only with Axca and Narti catching their looks. They looked at each other unamused of the boys. It was gross how obvious and oblivious they were towards each other, everyone knew.

Lance looked away blushing at the feeling the made his stomach flutter like he was a middle schoolers first crush. He couldn't help but smile feeling Lotors eyes on him, he wondered what it would be like to be loved by the prince...




Lance snapped out of his memories as Lotor and Shiro were both getting limbs attacked, they gave Lotor simple prosthetics very similar to Shiros old arm, instead they were white metal and steel with an orange hue. Lotors connection was easy unlike Shiros due to it being a clone body they put him under.

There was a medical room on each side of the hall the Paladins and officers stood in with a window to each to see how the two were doing.

Lance glanced over to Lotor a little concerned hearing a small Yelp.

Lotor had pain on his face as a doctor was knelt in front of him connecting the prosthetic to his nerves, he wiggled his ankle curiously and pursed his lips seeing the prosthetic move the way he wanted. They were still connecting his arm.

"How does it feel?" The doctor asked and powered the arm of the galras.

"Sore but feels like I never lost them," Lotor replied impressed it matched the size of his other arm and leg.

"Can you stand?" They asked as lance walked over to the window to watch.

Lotor grunted as he stood but as soon as he took a step there was a spark and he cried out falling to the ground. Lance pursed his lips as his eyes widen but he didn't move to show his concern.

"Just a few more adjustments, it shouldn't do that after," the doctors helped him back to the platform he sat on.

"Take your time," Lotor gulped a little and looked up feeling eyes on him. He inhaled a sharp breath seeing lance looking calm.

They made eye contact but neither of them said or did anything. It was like walking on glass around the other.

"Hey lance, Shiros awake," Keith called over. Lance walked back to them without sparing another glance, they heard Shiro let out a terrible scream catching everyone off guard.

"He's crashing! Shut it down!" Lance heard Sam yell as he ran to the window.

Shiro fell unconscious but his robotic arm was still alive and fighting against the doctors, slamming them back as Shiro laid on the table.

Allura gasped as her gem on her crown began to glow, she thought quickly realizing that could be a power source. She ripped off her crown from her head and let it drop when she took the stone out running into the room.

She burster in and slammed Shiros arm down as it was shaking in the air and freaking out, she grunted struggling against it.

"We need to remove its power source!" She called back to Sam who was already back on his feet.

He tapped the top of the forearm as it revealed the chip of the power source, taking it out immediately for Allura to insert the gem as the arms source instead. Within seconds everything stabilized and Shiro didn't look in pain anymore.

"How do you feel?" Keith ran in the room as Shiro woke up again.

"I feel strange," Shiro groaned a little.

"I feel great," he smiled as the arm raised and he clenched the fist. They all smiled thankful he was better now.

"Is Lotors operation successful?" Sam asked looking at the Paladins as Shiro sat up more.

"Everything is going smoothly, thankfully Lotors attachments were easier," Pidge pulled up Lotors vitals from the computer on the side and Allura looked over her shoulder.

Coran was helping Lotor walk again as there was less of a limp now and his robotic arm held onto corans shoulder.

"He's fine now," hunk smiled back at Lotor who saw everyone was in Shiros room.

"Do you want to go in?" Coran asked as Lotor started to walk better on his own and let go of coran.

"I rather not," Lotor didn't look back at them as he took his steps carefully. The pain was slowly ceasing. He clenched his robotic fist and twisted his wrist.

"Tell the doctors I'm grateful, I'm going to go for a walk," Lotor looked back at Coran gently. Coran nodded softly seeing there was sadness and regret still in his eyes, it seemed to be there whenever he was with the Paladins. Coran sighed a little going to his team to see how Shiro was doing now.

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