Light years

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Keith put a hand over his chest as they were past the storm, he looked behind him and saw his wolf looking up at him confused. They were unfrozen.

"What happened?" Romelle laid on the floor behind Coran and Allura in the blue lion.

"Did something try to come kill us?" She asked confused.

"You know it," Lance slouched back with his eyes closed.

"It looks like that nebula carried us thousands of light years away," Allura brought up a map to see how far they were.

"So how far are we?" Coran asked.

"That looks like... I recognize these constellations, this is earths solar system!" Pidge gasped looking at the screens in disbelief. Was it really earth? Was it home?

"It's home," hunk saw the Milky Way ahead.

"We made it," lances heart dropped.

"Let's get going," Keith smiled. They did it.

Lance gulped a little and muted everyone except hunk as they traveled forward together in voltron. He covered his face a little and inhaled deeply.

"Hunk I need to tell you something," Lance whispered with his eyes down.

"Huh? Yea man?" Hunk raised a brow confused.

"If it's about before I get it, your good, you were tired like all of us and angry about everything-" "no it's about earth,"

"Oh, what's up?" He tilted his head to side.

"My family... they kicked me out," Lance sighed crossing his arms keeping his eyes down.

"Veronica is my oldest sister and she helped me a lot, study to get into garrisons and all, so I wasn't on the streets anymore when my parents threw me out," he pursed his lips.

"What? Your parents literally kicked you out before garrisons?" Hunk was shocked and Lance nodded slowly.

"Because of the car accident, with chloe," he sighed.

"When she died and all they blamed me, and when I got home from the hospital my clothes were on the porch and they cleared my room," Lance gulped a little. 

"Lance you never told us... " hunk whispered wide eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you before we got to earth, because I'm not going home, I'm probably going to stay at the garrisons," he shrugged leaning back in his chair.

"And with what happened before I just thought I should be a little honest, especially now," Lance smiled sadly looking up.

"So do you want me to tell the others?" Hunk offered but he shook his head.

"Not now, everyone's so happy, tell them when it's relevant," Lance smiled back at at him and unmuted the two of them.

"Are you okay?" He asked Lance gently seeing how unenthusiastic he seemed that they were actually going home.

"I'm fine," Lance sighed with a small grin watching the excitement on pidges face as she was trying to send a message out to her dad.

"I'll be right back guys," hunk called getting up to check on Lotor hoping he wasn't on the ground.

"Dad it's me Pidge, do you copy? We're in earths solar system and heading home now," Pidge called through the communications in hope.

It was all static, but Pidge move the device a little to hear her fathers voice.

"To any being who receives this message-" it was hard to hear.

"Dad your okay," tears welded up in pidges eyes.

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