Must come to an end pt 2

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"Coran how are the repairs coming?" Allura asked as the three remaining debated against their odds of winning the battle, despite their other battles against Lotor. But last time they didn't have lance on their side. Lance knew Lotor the best, but it wouldn't guarantee their win. Lance didn't want to win if it meant Lotor would be hurt. This got way to out of hand.

"I'm working on them princess," Coran responded strained. "The problem is we need power for the system that started the main turbine,"

"But if I use that power to engage the systems, I don't have power to run the main turbine," he explained further for them.

"Coran without the castle of lions backing us up we might not make it," Allura pursed her lips.

"Riiiight no pressure," he told her sarcastically.

"I still got krolia to help me... and romelle and the space mice and a cosmic wolf," Coran mumbled to himself.

"Right about that, where'd the wolf, mom and altean come from?" Lance cut in confused still.

Suddenly an alarm went off and lance looked up wide eyes.

"We got incoming," he gulped seeing familiar ships.

"Guys... they're here," Hunk felt frozen.

"Hold your positions, let Lotor make the first move, don't aggravate him," lance told the small team with determination still held in his eyes.


It was silent as the galra pulled close to the dead planet where the Paladins stayed.

"Lotor the gate, it's destroyed," Axca slowed her ship.

Lotor didn't seem surprised nor was he happy, he didn't want to fight seeing the red lion lined with the three others.

"We need not fight today, we are all on the same side," Lotor contacted the Paladins screens as they could communicate.

"I know what you all must think of me now that you know my past, but my intentions are not what they seem, and it doesn't have to change our future together," he remained calm as he spoke in a steady voice.

"The truth is I wanted to harness the power of the quintessence field to better the universe, just like I said lance, nothing has change," Lotor breathed looking at Lances screen.

"There doesn't have to be a fight, we have to realize what the others intentions are, Allura you have to realize what Lotor did wasn't evil, but Lotor you must see what she sees, people she thought were dead thousands of years ago," lance pursed his lips as he looked at Lotors ship.

"This alliance isn't broken yet," he smiled softly and Lotor nodded proud of his beloved.

"You enslaved countless alteans," Allura sneered making the couples smiles drop.

"Harnessed their life force for your own personal gain!" She shot at him harshly. "How many innocent lives did you destroy?"

"Allura-" HOW MANY?!" Allura roared over Lotor with anger.

"It is true many alteans died in my quest to unlock mysteries of quintessences but now so many may live for generations because of you Allura," Lotor sighed looking at her.

"I protected thousands more and rescuers their culture, our culture," he told her almost desperate. He himself didn't know why he was so desperate to redeem himself.

"Allura you must understand, I've given everything I have to plumb the depths of king Alfors knowledge, to unlock the mysteries of oriande, please, We've come to far together,"

"Look at what we've accomplished, and what more we could do, join me, we're on the same side," he didn't show emotion as he looked at her determined.

Alluras fists shook in rage as she gripped the handles with white knuckles.

"No we're not!" She fired the blue lion at the galra as the others gasped when it almost his the other side.

"Allura please! Listen!" Lance cried out flying his lion in front of Alluras.

The girls charged up the ships to attack but Lotors commands stopped them.

"Hold your fire!" He barked.

"Lance come with me, my love this is not how we should spend our lives," Lotor looked at lance wide eyes.

"Allura I know your feelings for me must be confusing but do not let it be bias for this battle, don't use it to neglect your teammate," he gulped but Alluras face dropped in shock.

"Feelings?" Lance looked at her softly.

"Lance I..." Allura breathed.

"If its a small crush it's... okay," lance looked down. "I understand,"

"Lance do not let her take advantage of your sympathy, she didn't think of your feelings when she touched my lips," Lotor glared at Allura now as she felt her breathing stop seeing the betrayal in Lances eyes.

"Don't manipulate my Paladin! You take what you want and you betray the rest," Allura hissed back.

"Your more like zarkon than I could have imagined!" She snarled darkly.

"And your nothing like alfor," Lotor glared back. "What would be possibly think of you now, Princess,"

"I'm the one that had to step up and save our entire race, who are you to question my tactics in bringing peace to the universe," he spat poison at her.

"Love make your choice," Lotor said in a low tone.

"Lance don't do something you'll regret, we need you," Allura looked at him wide eyes.

"Lance, come with me... with me we'll have all the power in the universe, there will be no more voltron, you'll never feel pain again, you'll never feel in danger, we will have unlimited power for us, you and me, that's how it was always suppose to be," Lotor swallows a lump in his throat as he looked at lance pleading.

"Lotor, we never needed power, I never needed anything else but you, I wouldn't even need this empire except how much it means to you to be the galras leader, let's just stop this insanity, I love you, your the only one I need," Lance croaked with tears in his eyes full of pain.

"And I know you love me, you say you know its always suppose to be just us, so let's stop now so we can still have each other, mi amor please," he smiled softly.

Lotors mouth parted slightly as he looked at Lances screen. He felt the same from when Axca and the generals turned their backs on him when his father came back, lance has been the one at his side this whole time, never doubting him, always supporting him and having his back. He's never loved anything or anyone this much, as if lance was his life support.

But his work, his centuries of work, his respect from his empire, the work of his mother who's been disrespected by that witch, that damn witch. He couldn't leave everything to her hands if he left it all now. A voice in his head told him to keep going, he wasn't done. His head vibrated, he felt scrambled, divided into two. He felt nauseous.

"Lotor?" Axca questioned.

"Destroy the lions,"

"What?" Ezor looked shocked.

"If your not with me, your against me," Lotor narrowed his eyes. Negative emotions fuming him.

"What? No!" Lance cried out but Allura wasted no time to go after Lotor as the battle begun.

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