Buddy up

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"Alright I'm ready to go!" Hunk smiled with the mice on his shoulder as they all prepared their lions.

"Me too but... the wolf looks restless," Allura pursed her lips as she looked at her screen seeing Keith's wolf in the cargo.

"How did I get stuck with it again?" She complained flatly.

"I'd gladly trade you for the wolf," Keith hissed as he had krolia, shiro and Coran with him in the cockpit.

"I have a question!" Coran butted in. "Why did we let hunk decide?"

"I agree," lance said in a low growl as he sent a glare at Romelle who stood behind him upset as well.

"I don't understand how we got stuck together, you obviously don't listen to your team," Romelle crosses her arms.

"I will lock you down in the cargo with the body of a galra to make you feel haunted," Lance snapped at her and Romelle huffed.

"Romelle and I are going to earth, who's coming with?" He sighed as he looked at the other lions.

With that they all began to take off into space.


"What does this do? Is this the lasers? Where the mouth blade button?" Romelle grew comfortable as she reached over lance trying to press buttons but lance cried out trying to stop her.

"No don't touch that!" He gasped.

"Romelle come on this is a dangerous war machine," lance told her as Romelle pouted sitting on the side.

"But what if something happens to you? What if you have to go to the bathroom and you break your leg and then we're attacked and I have to save the day," Romelle smirked excitedly as lance looked unamused.

"I could still Pilot if it's just my leg, if you want to be helpful then go check the pods rating," lance sighed dryly leaning back.

"You mean you want me to go check on Lotor?" Romelle asked in disgust.

"Um yea," lance scoffed like it was obvious.

"I'll sit quiet now," Romelle sat on the floor.

"Good," lance nodded.

"I still think I should learn how to help," she popped up next to him again and lance groaned annoyed.

"I'm not starting this with you!" He snapped and the two turned into another argument as they shouted at each other with Romelle crossing her arms pouting with her nose in the air and lance was gripping the controls tightly as he yelled back at her. The altean and Paladins voices got higher and words got faster as no one else could understand them but they continue to argue only looking at the other.

"Oh my god you two! Your worst than when Keith and lance had a rivalry!" Pidge snapped at them as they both had glares.

"Puta," lance stuck out his tongue.

"Earth terms don't offend me," Romelle sang and lance frowned.

"I think everyone in the universe knows what happens to snitches," lance hissed and Romelle stuck her tongue back at him.

"And everyone knows what happens to traitors," she spat.

"Never got a woman, never hit a woman," lance covered his face frustratedly.


"No! Bad! Stop biting that!" Allura yelled at the space wolf that had a weapon in his mouth as he slobbered and chewed on it.

"Put that belexiam assembly down right now or so help me- keith!" Allura brought you his screen frustratedly as keith look unamused.

"Your wolf is tearing up the cargo hold," she whined annoyed.

"Because he's lonely, just let him in the cockpit," Keith groaned.

"I will absolutely not let that beast in the cockpit!" She gasped.

"Guys check out this picture! The mice look so cuuuute!" Hunk cut in with a picture of the mice sleeping in a pile together.

No one was amused.


"Oooooh this looks shiny!" Romelle pressed buttons as lance guarded himself as the cockpit was filled with a cold fog from a vent above.

"What did you touch?!" He screamed back as Romelle didn't care.

"What if I touch this?" She smiled pressing another button running around.

"Hunk why the hell did you put me with Romelle?!" Lance slammed his hands on the dash board as felt like he was going crazy.

"Exus plexis ceedus flee jaydus nacto pledum ree-" Coran interrupted singing the altean alphabet as no one was as very happy. Except for Romelle who sang along loudly.

Hunk took another picture of the mice on his head posing as lance was covered in foam and Allura frowned at the wolf.

"Guys look at the mice!" Hunk cooed.

"I can't do this anymore!" Lance wiped the foam off his helmet.

"Great now everything is covered in wolf drool!" Allura cried out.

"Oh-yea, hes uhhh super drooly," Keith said flatly.


"Just let him up front!"


"That's it! We're switching passengers!" Keith snapped at them as he made Coran stop singing.

"I second that!" Allura gasped.

"Finally!" Lance groaned.

"Hey why haven't we heard from Pidge..?" Hunk piped in quietly.

"Yea wait who's in her lion?" Lance blinked confused.

"Is she... alone?" The princess said slowly as they all did the math in their heads.


"What the fuck you guys?! This isn't fair!" Pidge cried out as Coran, Romelle, the mice and wolf were stuck in her cockpit.

"I call dibs on the playing the video game first!" Coran looked over Romelle.

"But I already have the controller," Romelle smirked smugly as she played the game.

"Pidge tell Romelle to give me the controller!" Coran whined. "I called it first,"

"No, nope, nuh uh, now way this is fucking happening, can't do this,"

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