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Lance walked into hagars lair as he saw Allura and Lotor searching along the shelves of where she once lived.

"Hey," lance walked over and Lotor closed a box he peaked in but set it back seeing lance.

"How's everything going?" He asked with his arms tucked away a little.

"Difficult, we're searching for something that represents Altean alchemy, secrets Hagar couldn't unlock," Lotor sighed as Allura was on the other side of the room.

"How are you then?" Lance lowered his voice. Everyone knew of hagars death but no one said anything about honerva sharing the same body as the witch, as the most powerful witch of zarkons as well being Lotors mother. They never really brought it up... Lotor never wanted to talk about it. Lance respected that.

"I'm fine," Lotor smiled gently.

"We'll talk about this later, cause you always caught me using that lie too," lance slipped his hand into Lotors comfortingly. The galra smiled relaxed in his grip and nodded.

"Thank you," Lotor said barely above a whisper but lance heard him.

"Look at this," Allura walked over to the two.

"It's an Altean science log," she told them as Lotor took it into his hands with a soft look, when he opened it his expression turned to surprised.

"This was written by my mother honerva thousands of years ago," he smiled letting go of lances hand.

"Your mother was honerva?" Allura breathed.

"The honerva That discoverer the rift on Daibazaal?" She asked.

"Small world huh?" Lance smirked at her.

"I knew of your Altean genetics that run a little through your blood from... the memories you showed us... but... honerva was your mother, she is so intelligent I admire her mind," Allura blushed softly looking away as Lotor didn't notice as he was to focused on the log.

"You really are half Altean," she smiled. She wasn't alone anymore, there was more Altean still even if Lotor was only half.

"Yes, it was something the galra considered a weakness, lance showed me that it does not define me, I now consider it as a strength," Lotor motioned to lance as the human was focused on reading the monologue.

"You knew all along?" Allura giggled a little at her paladin or... old paladin.

"Duh, caught him in the act too, staying up to late just reading everything on honerva, pissed me off," Lance rolled his eyes as he put his hand over his chin reading.

"And the face I've seen him and his Altean markings, is it true that all Alteans have that little markings right above-" lance was cut off as Lotor covered his mouth with wide eyes looking at him. Lance smirked under his hand and laughed.

"Your Altean markings?" Allura asked surprised.

"Anyways," Lotor removed his hand but rested it on lances lower back naturally.

"Even back 10,000 years ago Altean technology was so advanced than what earth has, or even what we have now for technology," Lance motioned to the log impressed as he had one of his arms wrapped around his diaphragm and the other resting on his wrist motioning.

"The experiments honerva conducted, this is eons of science your mother was advancing by," he smiled up at Lotor. "This is one you haven't spent a night on reading,"

"How did Hagar get her hands on this?" Allura asked and Lotor frowned a little.

"She was constantly seeking Altean magical knowledge that she could pervert for her own power, there must be things she was unable to access," Lotor touched the screen gently as the two looked at him. Lance knew though.

"I'm going to continue the search," Allura told him and completely ignored the look on lances face of concern for Lotor. As she walked away Lotor didn't move his gaze or hand from the Altean log.

"Do you need a moment alone?" Lance asked not being to touchy, he knew sometimes people needed space, and Lotor seemed to maybe need it. But being alone for centuries, it was hard to tell.

"Actually lance..." Lotor trailed off and lance waited as Lotor inhaled slowly.

"I could use a little help getting my hair out of the way, would you mind?" Lotor asked with almost a sad expression. Lance walked over smiling gently as Lotor got down on one knee with his back to lance so he could reach. He enjoyed the feeling of lances fingers through his hair as lance would purposely make small touches to his ears as he brushed it all back into a thick pony tail to get off his neck.

"There," lance kissed the top of his head. "You'll never learn to take care of your hair will you?"

"Why should I when I have you?" Lotor stood up and kissed his forehead lovingly.

"With the whole Hagar and honerva thing, we can save that for later, I know it all happened so fast..." Lance bit his lip as Lotor closed the log and handed it to lance.

"That witch was not my mother, despite her last breathes, it does not make up for what are myths to me of a mothers love, for centuries," Lotor told him and lance held his hand tightly with the log in it.

"Got it, you take your time in here, I want to hear all about it later, that's all I ask," lance pulled him close and held his chin with his other hand.

"You may be a badass galra emperor but your still only a boyfriend that's super hot to me," lance said seriously and Lotor laughed at him, he pulled lance close and kissed his neck softly.

"As you are my only love and not just general, paladin, pilot, sharpshooter," he hummed with a small nuzzle of his nose into lances neck.

"Nah I'm still all of those, just way better than you," Lance giggled as his hair tickled. Lotor dipped him further as lance laughed at the tickling kisses Lotor was trailing up to his lips but they paused in that pose hearing louder footsteps.

Suddenly a soldier ran into the lair panting as he saw the two with lance at an angle in Lotors arms, easily could be dropped with a slip but Lotors hold was strong.

"My lords... the Voltron Paladins have launched a robeast coffin... into space..." he wheezed.

Lance let out a cry when Lotor accidentally let him slip from his hands as he laid on the ground with a small groan as Lotor was shocked.

"The Paladins launched what?" He blinked as lance was still flat on the ground surprised at the fall.

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