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Tomorrow is the day.

Lotor walked through the halls of his empire back to his love but he stopped at the doors of their room.

He held a small box in his hand and opened it where a small blue diamond laid on top of a gold band. A gem he stole from his adventures on oriande to create this ring for his love. His first and his only love.

"I don't even know what I want to say..." Lotor whispered to himself. There was so much to tell lance, he's been around for centuries... but he was willing to share it all with lance. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with his lover.

Lotor bit his lip slipping the box back in his pocket and pushed the doors open.

"Tomorrow is the day, Lance our research is finally going to pay off tomorrow," Lotor smiled excitedly as lance was reading on the bed waiting.

"It's kinda late to be this excited about something, what's getting paid off?" Lance asked as he laid on his stomach wearing one if Lotors shirt and small shorts.

"Tomorrow I go into the quintessence field with Allura, my mother's work, our sleepless nights, Lance we're going to be doing something no one else has," Lotor knelt next to the bed to be at Lances level.

"Lo... last person who went in the quintessence field was your parents.." lance sat up now concerned.

"It saved honerva's life, and my father was corrupt by his own evil intentions," Lotor sat next to him seeing Lances worry.

"We've talking about accessing that power but I don't think it's a good idea for you to be in the field," lance shook his head putting his hands in his lap.

"That's What Allura and I have been working on with the ship, her power would make sure nothing happens to us," Lotor explained softly.

"I have a bad feeling about this, don't you think you should take some time for you mentally before you go into the quintessence field that could..." Lance trailed off.

"I'm not my father," Lotor told him.

"I didn't say you are," lance put his hands up. "But look what it did to your mother, she was corrupted too," he held his hands as he scooted closer to Lotor.

"It's power and power is dangerous like that, please don't go yet," he whispered with worried eyes.

"My love, I... I'm doing this more than just for the galra," Lotor held the side of his face as he rubbed Lances cheek.

"I must tell you something, something my generals didn't even know, no one does, I love you too much to keep it from you any longer," he sighed pulling away as lance looked at him confused.

"I'm listening," lance smiled softly.

"I have a colony, for alteans," Lotor inhaled a shaky breath as he closed his eyes. Not daring to look his lover in the eye.

"I want to restore peace and have enough quintessence to release them back into the universe," he continued.

"For centuries I've been trying to figure out a way to harvest quintessence, to help my people, galra and altean, and and I've learned the quintessence that... alteans hold," he gulped as his chest tighten, Lance was to quiet.

"But now with Allura, it can stop, alteans don't have to be extinct anymore," Lotor whispered looking down.

"You killed some alteans...? Alteans are alive? I-I... I'm so confused," lance held his head with wide eyes as the knowledge sunk in his head.

"I didn't mean for any to die lance, it was an accident, they weren't as strong as the others, but the others can still live, I didn't want to keep this a secret," Lotor felt panic run through his body.

"Why are you telling me this now?" Lance asked calmly.

"Because I'm going to need someone I trust to help the alteans when they join our empire, i need you," Lotor told him.

"lo... you saved the alteans?" Lance laughed softly in disbelief.

"When my father banished me centuries ago," Lotor nodded.

"Please don't be mad," he whispered.

"Hey hey I'm not mad, confused and a little overwhelmed yea but I'm not mad," lance touched the side of his face as he sat next to him.

"I understand why you didn't tell me, thank you for telling me now though, I'll happily help you lead the alteans and the galra as an empire," lance wrapped his arms around Lotors neck in a tight embrace, as Lotor let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Thank you, what did I ever do to deserve you?" Lotor buried his face in Lances shoulder as his lover straddled his lap.

"I love you," Lotor breathed.

"I love you too dummy," lance kissed his forehead smiling.

"And don't get so scared, I'll always be by your side, every time," he whispered in his ear smiling.

Lotor pushed him to the side as he rolled on top of lance as the human was under him. Lance smiled pushing the long white hair out of Lotors face and to the side as it was like a curtain the shielded them from the universe.

"Your beautiful," Lotor breathed looking into his eyes.

Lance giggled wrapping his arms around Lotors neck kissing him deeply.

"Your a dork,"

"You love me for that odd earth slang," Lotor growled with a daring smirk.

"I do," lance hummed.

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