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"The civil war continues unimpeded, more and more galra forces are leaving to join other factions; Sendak has claimed the most deserters," a soldier explained to the prince and Paladins while they looked at the screen that showed a map and Sendak's profile.

"They call themselves 'the fire of purification',"

"It is time we address all galra and make my claim as emperor absolute," Lotor nodded with lance by his side.

"That starts with us freeing planets right?" Lance asked glancing up at him.

"It won't be that easy love, our grip on the empire is tenuous as it is, I need to proffer an alternative to our current state," Lotor explained to him.

"That is why it is important Allura and I gain access to the quintessence field," he looked at her with a nod as Allura frowned confused behind him.

"Are we to focus all of our energy on that?" Allura questioned.

"It is paramount, however we cannot let the empire fall apart, that's where I need you as my partner," Lotor smiled gently at lance as the general rolled his eyes smirking a little.

"I will address my people at the astral conflux, we work united," he told them as lance nodded back.


"You must replicate your father's work if we are to use this ship to enter the quintessence field," Lotor stood in front of a ship as he and Allura parted ways from the Paladins.

"But how?" Allura asked.

"Something you learned in oriande," lotor told her simply. "Something your father learned to become the superior alchemist he was, how we built voltron is the key,"

"My lord," a guard walked in on the two. "It is time to prepare for your speech, your general awaits,"

"It seems my empire needs me, please continue," Lotor nodded as he looked at Allura with a quick smile before walking off.


"Galra brothers and sisters, I am your emperor, Lotor, son and successor of zarkon, slayer of a tyrant, child raised in the void and taught on the battle field" Lotor stood above a large crowd of soldiers, commanders and other generals as lance stood behind him with his hands behind his back in uniform.

"There are rumors of doubt regarding my leadership, do not let them poison your ears, pledge loyalty to me and i will deliver the galra empire unto times of untold prosperity. An age of unlimited quintessence, the likes of which this universe has never known,"

"Soon I will raise our grand empire above the indigence and violence of its past up to new heights of peace and limitless possibility, those factions that splintered from the empire will pay for their treachery and treason. I urge you now, send me your messages of fealty, those who choose their backs of their emperor will find themselves lost to the sands of history, unremembered and unmourned,"

"Vrepit sa,"


Alarms went off as lotor stood in the main bridge with the Paladins as a galra came up looking determined for a battle.

"The planet has already been fired upon and we do not have the means to protect ourselves, you must send assistance immediately," the galra told them sternly as alarms faded out.

"Understood," lance nodded as he ended the call.

"What's going on?" Shiro walked over.

"A labor planet is under attack from Sendak and his fleet," lance frowned with his back to the Paladins. "Sending a message to us I think,"

"We have to help that planet immediately," pidge spoke up concerned.

"I agree," lance nodded as Lotor stayed quiet.

"Sendak would have us respond to his attack and neglect our empire," Lotor looked at lance shaking his head.

"Voltron can handle this while you continue to rule," Allura told him.

"She's right, I'll take care of the labor planet, that's what partners are for right?" Lance put a hand on his lovers arm with a soft smile.

"I need the princess to stay for the plan-" "your plan has waited this long, it can wait a tic longer," Allura cut him off sharply.

"These are our loyal subjects, we protect them," lance explained to him softly as Lotor looked a little lost and overwhelmed.

"I got this babe, you keep being the emperor they need," he whispered to him and Lotor finally nodded.

"Your right, go, stay safe," Lotor kissed him quickly as lance followed the Paladins as they left to help the planet.

Lotor left the main bridge as he fiddled with a rock in his hand, rubbing his thumb over the small stone and smile. If their empire must be rebuild, they'd do it together. Gives Lotor the all more of a reason to want lance to be his partner as another emperor more than just a general. Together.

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