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All the Paladins and Veronica were lead in a dark room that had a window that showed into the white room Lance and Lotor were locked in, cuffed to the same table side by side with a few feet between them. It looked like they were talking as it was muted which confused the Paladins knowing the two were not on good terms.

"You may listen to let us know if anything seems wrong, iverson and I will be asking them questions," admiral Sandra told them calmly as Veronica watched her baby brother anxiously being alone with the galra prince.

"I don't believe Lance is capable of working with the galra, he's been a kind man and has a good heart, there must've been something to manipulate him," Veronica gulped nervously. Shiro pressed a button to unmute the twos conversation.

"No no no! Lance you know I can't understand you and I know your mad-" Lotor was cut off as lance turned his head away with his chin up.

"Is he yelling at my brother?" Veronica glared.

"Uh no, they're arguing," Pidge crossed her arms.

"Lance just talk to me and not in bloody first earth language," Lotor groaned irritated but lance snapped back at him in Spanish making veronicas jaw dropped.

"And also I remember a time where you put me in a cell? Oh yea and got tortured same day, yes I'm holding grudges!" Lance snapped back as he struggled against the restrains.

"That wasn't me!" Lotor yelled back.

"Your witch!"

"zarkons witch!"

"Your dad!" Lance huffed.

"For stars sake you know better," Lotor leaned his head back.

"Or when you kissed Allura?" Lance crossed his legs with a small shimmy in his shoulders.

"Lance!" Lotor cried out wide eyes.

"Or when you attacked me because I didn't agree with you for the first time and cause me to loose three years in some dimension?" He hummed and Lotor groaned loudly.

"Or what about the time I took a blade through the chest for you? Or saved you from Hagar?" Lotor shot back with a glare and lance rolled his eyes.

"And how did I get there? Oh yea I was kidnapped I believed," lance sent him a look.

"For fucks sake," Lotor scoffed.

"Oh wow," Shiro whistled at the argument.

"So lance does hold grudges," Keith blinked.

"Oh imagine if we were in there," hunk mumbled to Pidge.

"So lance was fully willing... if he's speaking to the recent emperor of the galra like that..." Veronica asked slowly.

"Uh do we tell her?" Hunk whispered.

"Oh absolutely not," Keith shook his head.

"Lotor, lance," Sanda walked in.

"Who the hell is this now?" Lotor glared.

"How the fuck should I know?" Lance scoffed.

"I'm admiral Sanda, you are the prince and his general am I correct?" She sat in front of them with iverson.

"What if I said no?" Lance raised a brow and Lotors ears went back with unamusement on his face.

There was silence.

"Anyways, are you in contact with Sendak? The galra in charge of the fleets of earth?" Sanda asked emotionless as she didn't seem thrilled with the two already.

"No, Sendak is my enemy," Lotor told her calmly.

"Then where have you been for the past three years?" She narrowed her eyes.

"A coma," he said flatly.

"I can vouch," lance raised his hand from the table but kept his wrist down.

"Lance you were a general for him, why? Why betray the Paladins?" She had a recorder going for the conversation.

"Lotor asked me to join missions but never forced me to fight against voltron, we were fighting against Zarkon at the time, and he released me to voltron as a free man, they threw me out after finding out I did cooperate with Lotor so I returned to him giving full loyalty when the galra seemed to be the winning side, and they were as Lotor was their leader, until zarkon returned," lance explained calmly leaning back.

"I didn't betray voltron, they tossed me out like trash that no longer held value, they invalid me constantly and treated me like shit, Lotor saved my life and was kind, call it what you will but it made me feel like I could keep my sanity with the galra, I had friends that took care of me," he raised a brow looking into the mirror that he knew was connected to another room.

"Do you regret working with the galra?"

Lance hesitated as Lotor kept his eyes down.

"No, I don't regret joining their side, Lotor as their leader the galra were meant to meant to change, but Zarkon was corrupted and that gave the galra the violent title they still hold now," he looked at her calmly.

"I joined Lotor, I didn't join Sendak or Zarkon, know the difference," he narrowed his eyes seeing her judgment.

"What about now with prince Lotor?" She asked.

"He's not my favorite guy at the moment," lance snorted. "I can admit when someone is wrong, he fucked up, bad,"

"I thought we already knew this?" Lotor glared over at him.

"Yea I just want to rub it in a little more," he smiled sarcastically as Lotor rolled his eyes.

"You're a spiteful thing," the galra huffed.

"You would know," lance hummed. They looked at each other with tension as they were both ready to argue again.

"So what's going to happen to me now admiral? I'm no longer a prince and the galra think I'm dead, what shall my punishment be?" Lotor titled his head to the side looking back at the older woman.

"Do you hold valuable information of Sendak and the galra?" She asked calmly.

"I do," Lotor frowned.

"Would You betray them to work with us?" Sanda smirked.

"Will it excuse my crimes?" He raised a brow.

"Mostly, you'll be held in a cell till this war is over instead of a room like the alteans, lance since your a Paladin... your excused from the crimes of treason," Sanda looked at them and both were surprised.

"As long as your loyal to voltron and the garrisons,"

Lance pursed his lips. He didn't want to disappoint Veronica even more, she was the only family that mattered now, he could care less about the others.

"Yes ma'am,"

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