Proper allies

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Lance was helping Lotor on the main deck but they turned seeing the Paladins of Voltron enter and Lotor gripped lances hand tightly as an equal, no just a general, he made sure his love would be informed properly by his people, as a lord and sir.

"Thank you for coming my friends," Lotor smiled kindly as lance had a calm look while soldiers where lined up as the two stood in the middle with new banners over them.

"I have prepared a new imperial banner to herald our alliance, this is the symbol that flew over our fathers when they worked together as the original Paladins of Voltron," Lotor introduced the banners above them as he looked at the Paladins while they walked forward.

"I hope we can returner the universe to that golden age," he smiled and lance felt a squeeze making him smile as well knowing deeper into what he means.

"Since we ascended to the throne, the galra empire has been torn apart, a sizable portion has sworn its allegiance to me... However..." Lotor trailed off with an unamused quirk of his eye brows.

"However massive factions remain in revolt," Lance nodded.

"Uh okay the galra aren't exactly known to turn the other cheek," hunk replied sarcastically.

"How do you get an empire that's only known violence for thousands of years to put down their weapons?" Shiro asked as well frowning.

"But providing them with the very thing they're fighting for, quintessence, unlimited amounts," Lotor smirked as he's spent restless nights of studying the ways of those elements as well as lance who joined to more help Lotor get through a section faster so he could stay healthy but the human learned as well about quintessence.

"And Princess Allura, you are the key to getting it," he motioned to the Altean with his free hand.

"I'm sure you'll be interested in inspecting every aspect of the galra head quarters," he turned to the rest of the Paladins.

"I'd like to cross reference our star charts with current galra troop locations," Shiro raised an eye brow as none of them where use to this much trust in the enemies ship... then again Lotor and lance did had to give same trust at one time.

"Consider it done," Lotor replied calmly and the Paladins where surprised.

"You want to sync our intelligence to the galra head quarters? I never thought I'd see the quiznexing quintant," coran said impressed as lance smiled at him.

"Sentry, take them to the record room, you will find everything you need there," Lotor told the nearest robot for Shiro and coran.

"I'm leaving you with a personal escort that will take you wherever you'd like to go," he turned to hunk and Pidge.

Lance pulled up a screen on his armor on his wrist and frowned.

"I'm going to see if we picked anything up for the girls, a search party came back with something," lance swiped it away and turned to Lotor.

"You going to be okay amor?" Lance asked as Allura looked at Lotor.

"Come find me when your done love," Lotor kissed his hand gently and lance smiled nodding.

"Is everything okay with lance?" The Cuban heard the others ask.

"Some personal concern for us has come up," Lotor replied just as lance left the room.


"Did you find them?" Lance asked a commander that got out of a ship as he was in the launching room.

"Unfortunately no sir, it's like your generals have vanished," the galra bowed to him a little.

"They're not gone, did you check the planets around the Kral zera?" Lance pursed his lips trying to think.

"Twice and another team is searching closer,"

"Sendak?" He crossed his arms frowning.

"We will check in with some spies we sent, you will be the first to be informed of anything we find," the galra nodded and lance gave a single nod and placed his hand over his chest for a moment and turned to walk away.

"Where the hell could they have gone?" Lance glared walking out of the door but paused seeing kova rub against his leg.

"Your still alive little guy?" Lance blinked surprised at the cat and knelt down to him.

"I bet Hagar kept you around, huh?" He smiled picking him up and kova purred against his touch and rubbed his face against lances hand. Kova jumped up and onto lances shoulders, sitting there with a glare at the others.

Lance sighed at the thought of narti who once owned the space cat, a loyal little fella.

"Lotors going to hate you," Lance smiled evilly as he went to his room to drop off the cat.

"I'll send out some servants to bring you food, don't bite them," lance rubbed behind his ear with a smile and walked back to go find Lotor.

Lance heard and explosion then shits and giggles from the side and stepped back seeing Pidge and hunk doing something to the sentry they were given. They where covered in food goo supplies as they all cheered excitedly.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Lance walked in with wide eyes at the mess.

"Um...." they all paused.

"Scram!" The sentry called and the two Paladins ran off laughing as lances jaw dropped with wide eyes. Where they always that childish.

"Hey you two," lance pointed to other galra soldiers. They jumped as lance walked over.

"Just make sure those three don't break anything valuable... or launch anything, keep an eye on them please," lance sighed rubbing his forehead.

"U-uh yes sir," they nodded at the Cuban and lance sighed again walking away to once again venture for his boyfriend. He pulled up a screen on his wrist device to see how the battle of other galra leader where going and saw ladnok was no more.

"This didn't have to happen..." he hissed. They could've stopped this battle and instead unite the galra, but the Kral zera, none of them knew what would happen.

"Hey where did prin-emperor Lotor?" Lance asked a soldier.

"I saw him and princess Allura enter hagars lair lord," the soldier told him and lance smiled nodding.

"Thank you," he offered a friendly smile but the  soldier had no expression.

"Jesus can't a galra smile once in a while? Took Lotor to just smile for weeks," lance groaned walking away.

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