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"You should rest a little more, you where pretty banged up," Lance looked down at Lotor as he was laying in the lounge room where it was quiet and Lotor laid on him, between his legs as his head rested on lances chest, while Lance combed through his hair, lotot had his arms wrapped around his small waist.

"I could say the same for you," Lotor looked up seeing his bruised neck. Lance frowned touching his neck gently but Lotor laid his head back down.

"Do you remember what happened?" Lance asked as he moved his hand down between his shoulders under Lotors shirt and ran his nails against his skin trying to relax the Prince.

"Yes... I remember the battle with zarkon," Lotor nodded closing his eyes.

"Hey, look at me," Lance sat up and made Lotor do the same.

"We're okay again, when we're ready we can go back home," he held the side of Lotors face smiling gently. "Let's get that far okay?"

Lotor stared at him for a moment but smiled gently leaning down as their lips touched softly and sweetly as Lotor held the other side of lances face smiling just enough for Lance to feel. They kissed again more deeply as Lotor over powered him and Lance fell back gripping the back of his neck enough to hang tight.

"You really are my hellfire," Lance whispered gazing up at Lotor amazed.

"You are so much more," Lotor breathed as he kissed lances forehead softly as the human giggled under him as Lotor laid on the couch with Lance in his arms.

"You said home, where is home?" Lotor breathed against the back of his neck as Lance smiled holding both hands tightly.

"I have a few homes, three in fact, it's where I feel most comfortable, where I feel safe to be myself," Lance turned to him as his hands where on Lotors chest.

"Earth, with my family," he smiled.

"The empire strangely, I felt like I fit in..." Lance laughed awkwardly as Lotor looked at him smiling gently.

"And anywhere I can just be with you, in your arms, in your presences, I feel like I can't live without you," he whispered as he touched Lotors lips gently as they where partly parted open.

"I love you Lotor," Lance whispered for only the galra to hear as minutes passed and they enjoyed the silence.

He looked up at Lotor and saw he was sleeping soundlessly which made lances grin widen seeing he was finally at rest for once, in a solid good few hours of sleep he'll be good as new and back to not sleeping for days cause there's work to be done.

"Lance wheres Lotor?" Allura walked in loudly with Matt and Pidge.

Lotor jumped as he flung himself up to sit panting with wide eyes gripping his chest and hands shaking slightly as when he screamed slightly.

"Hey, whoa, mi amor, your okay, your safe here," Lance rubbed his back brushing Lotors hand over his ear.

"Don't go fucking waking in rooms yelling," Lance hissed at them.

"This is the lounge," Pidge rubbed her arm gently.

"Lo?" Lance looked at him softly as Lotor put his face in his hands shaking his head but Lance kissed his shaking hands softly.

"Your with me," he smiled as Lotor took a deep breath standing up looking at Allura tiredly.

"Did you need something princess?" He rasped as Lance looked at him worriedly still sitting.

"We need discuss further matters, such as the galra empire," Allura stated as she noticed Lotors hands still shaking slightly but he put them behind his back as he nodded.

"Of course, we will be there in a moment," Lotor said with a straight voice but Lance didn't believe he was as calm as he showed.

"Are you alright Prince Lotor?" Allura asked slightly concerned.

"I'm right as rain, just need a moment," Lotor waved her off as she exited slowly with her Paladins but Lance stayed.

"What's wrong with me?" Lotor groaned sitting back down as Lance laid against his shoulder.

"It happened to all of us lo, nightmares and flashbacks are probably going to be around for a while, it's your PTSD... I don't blame you for having it," Lance grabbed his shaking hands with both of his.

"I do not have PTSD," Lotor narrowed his eyes.

"You remember when I woke up screaming and crying? Or when I get panic attacks? That's PTSD for me... Some people have it differently, Shiro still gets flashbacks," Lance said sternly but kindly.

"I don't have PTSD, my battles don't effect me," Lotor stated standing up.

"Don't think I don't know you've woken up middle of the nights just to check if I'm still breathing, Lotor that's also PTSD, from when my pod went down, Lotor you don't have to-" "I'm not in denial Lance," Lotor cut him off.

"Yes you are," Lance snapped back.

"I was going to say..." He stood up slowly walking to Lotors side.

"You don't have to do it alone," he touched Lotors arm gently as the Prince glanced back down at him.

"I can't seem any weaker than I already am," he said softly.

"Don't make me slap you again," Lance spun him around to face him.

"You god damn took down zarkon, and survived! You are one of the strongest people I know lo, don't you dare say your weak Estúpido!" He spat as Lotor looked at him calmly but smiled with a small chuckle.

"The others are expecting us," Lotor gripped his chin as Lance looking at him.

He wrapped an arm around lances waist to pull him close as he kissed lances neck softly knowing it was his weakness to staying angry.

"Lotor..." Lance wrapped his arms around his neck.

"We gotta go," he whispered in lances ear letting go as he walked away smirking licking his lips making Lance flush.

"Lotor you asshole! Don't fucking tease!" Lance stormed after him as Lotor picked up his own pace walking out the door.

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