Doesnt add up

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"Coran hide, they're coming," lance raced down to the cock pit as Coran was covering up Lotors pod as he was still unconscious. Lance put a cover over some boxes as well so it didn't look suspicious. He got his bayard out and pushed Coran in the closet and locked it.

"Don't say a word," lance hissed. He pointed his blaster at the galra that came in the lion invading.

"Get back!" He snarled but a net was shot at him taking the Paladin down. The galra grabbed Lances net and dragged him out of the lion as lance was cussing in Spanish at the pirates.


"I can't believe how many times I have been cuffed and been prisoner within the year, I'm so pissed off," lance leaned against the door pouting.

"Hasn't been that many times," Pidge quirked a brow.

"I will run out of fingers," he said flatly.

"What happen to Coran?" Hunk looked around.

"I... I hid him before I was captured," Lance looked back at them rethinking his choice.

"At least we're have an alley on the outside," Allura smiled.

"Our fate... rests in corans hands..." Keith said slowly.

"You think there's a secret passage?" Lance asked him as the two looked unamused.


A large hybrid walked into a quarters room as a orange hybrid sat on the couch looking at her nails sadly.

"We got all the lions, and the Paladins locked down," zethrid told ezor as she wore pirate armor and a cape as one of her eyes were blind with a scar.

"If voltron survived, does that mean Lotor is alive?" Ezor asked almost fearfully.

"That's what we'll find out," zethrid told her softly.

"Lance is alive ," she looked at ezor gently as the other girl closed her hand.

"I can't believe he's alive," ezor whispered.

"Ezor he's the enemy, if Lotor is alive and lance has been on his side after everything, he's not one of us," zethrid knelt next to her as ezor didn't look.

"If Lotor is alive, what if he finds us, what do you think he'll do to us?" Ezor whispered.

"I will never let anyone hurt you," zethrid grabbed her hand. "Don't worry, we'll be fine,"

"Do you really believe that?" She asked concerned.

"Look at what we've already done, we just took down a galra cruiser, we captured voltron, we're destine for greatness ezor. Trust me," zethrid squeezed her hand softly and ezor smiled gently.

"I do," she nodded.

"Now let's go torture some prisoners," ezor smiled deviously.

"That's my girl," zethrid nodded.


Suddenly the doors unlocked and stood two guards at the door, they walked in and moved to the side as the two captains stepped forward to face the Paladins. Lance felt his heart stop seeing his girls. His best friends. His fellow generals. But they didn't seem the same.

"Look who it is," ezor winked at lance. He didn't smile at her as he seemed to shocked. It's only been a week since the battle, what happened to them.

"We're going to have a talk," zethrid smirked at them.

"Hey cutie," lance looked at ezor unsure but felt some sort of relief seeing her, he smiled happily at his friends.

"Hey sharpshooter," ezor whispered back.

"They tried to kill us," Pidge stated .

"B-but but we're all friends now right? Ya know when you guys hung at our ship, we hung on yours after we all defeated Zarkon together," hunk stood up nervously.

"i for one am glad you survived," he laughed anxiously.

"I'm glad you survived too, it's no fun torturing a dead person," ezor smirked back at him with her fangs showing.

"Neither was half dead," lance rolled his eyes.

"Don't," zethrid looked at ezor seeing the two being friendly.

"Where have you been all this time? What happened to Lotor?" Zethrid got to the point.

"What are you talking about?" Keith asked confused as Lances face dropped.

"We're talking about the disappearing act, where have you been? Where's Lotor?" Ezor narrowed her eyes at them.

"How did you survive the explosion?" Zethrid nodded.

"Domt you know? You were there," hunk shrugged innocently.

"I think there's a little confusion about how the we ask questions, you give answers," ezor glared at him.

"There a lot more confusion than that," hunk pouted.

"Enough, where's Lotor?" Zethrid snapped.

"He's dead, we left him in the quintessences field," Keith snarled back. Lance closed his eyes keeping his head down. He hated the memory, but he played along, pained still but they didn't need to know that.

"That doesn't add up, why aren't you dead?" Ezor hissed.

"Power... of teamwork?" Hunk offered.

She stared at lance for a long time, he didn't look at her as he kept his eyes closed, she couldn't read him as lance looked upset still.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, before we take a more extreme approach," zethrid stared at Hunk making him feel uncomfortable.

"What happened to Lotor and where have you been all this time?!"

"Lotor is dead, and we've been healing from the battle for a week," lance snapped back in a cold tone.

"He can't be dead if your alive," ezor looked at him not believing a word he says.

"Heh... when have I ever lied?" Lance rasped as he looked exhausted still, stressed, and almost annoyed. Ezor felt her heart sink as she believed him... they were safe from the princes wrath but the heart break in Lances eyes made her want to be his best friend again.

"When have you ever left Lotors side?" Zethrid wasn't fooled.

"Your leaving us no choice but to apply pressure," she growled.

"Finally, who's the first victim? Lover boy?" Ezor smiled as she was no longer bored.

Zethrids eyes landed on Pidge as she was between hunk and romelle.

"I bet half my fleet that this group has a soft spot for the small one," she smiled and ezor hummed amused.

"Dont you touch her," lance stepped in front of ezor as she took a step forward. Ezor didn't hesitate to back kick him and lance landed on the floor with a grunt and a blaster pointed at him.

"Whoops," ezor glared at him, she suddenly yanked Pidge from the ground and slammed her against the wall.

"Let her go!" Keith snarled but a gun was  pointed at him as well.

"Ezor stop!" Lance yelled with panic in his eyes.

"Then give me answers," she snapped back at then while Pidge grunted.

Suddenly alarms went off catching them all by surprise.

"Hull breach in hangar one, lock down sequence initiated,"

Ezor looked back at Pidge and groaned dropping her as the galra ran out but the doors slammed behind them before the Paladins could escape. Lance glared at the door as he helped Pidge up.

Something wasn't right.

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