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"So You've sound lance already?" Lotor found Axca. She froze in fear seeing him standing tall once more, he looked like he was never disabled and the scar on his face was still fresh. She clenched her jaw tightly taking a step back, Lotor noticed but stayed calm.

"They let you walk again?" She gulped.

"Yes, I'm grateful to the holts," Lotor nodded with his hands behind his back.

"Are you angry with me?" Axca asked.

"For what?" Lotor tilted his head to the side.

"D-do you remember?" She pursed her lips and Lotor stayed silent but nodded.

"I actually wanted to speak to you about that, about everything, if I could have a moment of your time," Lotor motioned to the side, Axca followed quietly not knowing what to expect, she had her knife under her belt ready.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"I don't want anything but a few moments," he said calmly. Lotor saw her reach behind her back.

"Try anything-" "I'm sorry,"

Axca paused wide eyes. Lotor held his hands in front of him as he looked at her softly.

"I'm sorry for what I did, you didn't really betray me, you, ezor, zethrid... none of you betrayed me, I was selfish and it was a mistake, I deeply apologize for the pain I've caused," Lotor nodded gently with guilt on his face.

"I hope you find your place with the marmora, your a talented soldier and loyal companion, they're lucky to have you Axca, I know I was," he smiled sadly at her. She gulped pulling her hand from the blade and nodded silently.

"Lance really did make you a better man, hurt him again and I'll kill you myself," Axca said sternly before turning her back on him.

"But your forgiven... I'm glad your well now, physically and in the head, damn lunatic,"

Lotor smiled watching his old friend leave him once again. Only this time he hoped with better terms, he truly wanted her to move on, he would never ask her to be loyal to him again, he didn't deserve to be a leader. Not again. He was afraid of that much power.

"You talked to her earlier didn't you?" Lotor crossed his arms and smirked over his  shoulder with lance peaking over the corner of the halls.

"She didn't have to forgive you but I guess I did," lance rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"How do you feel?" He asked quietly.

"Like weights been taken off my shoulders, Axca is my oldest allie, she's seen me at my weakest moments when I was younger," Lotor shrugged a little. "She didn't have to forgive me but I'm glad she did,"

"Also I think Axca has been impacted by you more than anyone else I know," he blinked surprised and lance squealed happily.

"Hell yea got the scary looking people to like me!" Lance jumped excited as Lotor crossed his arms unamused.

"I'm not scary looking..." Lotor pouted as they walked back to lances cabin.

"Your built like tiger and taller than everyone here, your intimidating," lance poked his shoulder teasing.

"Don't worry, I never thought it was scary," lance winked back as he closed the door. Lotor blushed at the flirt but went inside as well.

"Looks like lance has a dog," Pidge teased seeing Lotor and lance side by side again while the three went into hunks apartment.

"More like a mutt," Allura scoffed.

"Dont You have a crush on Lotor still?" Hunk picked at his nails.

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