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The galra walked through the doors to the main deck as Axca joined them finally with her gun pointed at Lotor.
He narrowed his eyes recognizing a Druid standing with their back to him as he walked with who once was his generals.

He stepped forward to the Druid with a scowl.

"Prince Lotor," the Druid lowered their hood as white hair was revealed with altean ears.

"My son," Honerva turned to him with golden eyes.

"Witch, you should've been dead," Lotor stated flatly with no emotion of joy. Only zethrid and lance knew the true identity of the witch who claimed to be Lotors mother but she died at zarkons hands. But she was different now, she looked altean rather than the Druid that crumbled at zarkons feet.

"The anger you feel towards me is to be expected, you father did kill me but failed," honerva explained softly looking at Lotor.

He stayed silent. He didn't feel surprised.

"Understand that the events that transformed me into the witch Hagar, I wish I had more time to explain what this curse has shredded from me, my maternal instincts I may have had for my one and only child," Hagar kept her eyes focused only on Lotor.

"However you have continued the work I started long ago, and have indeed seen it through to heights I could have only imagined, your never ending pursuit of knowledge is truly-" "enough," Lotor finally cut her off as to many emotions swarmed his chest and created a headache in his already concussed head.

"You May have fooled me with mercy once, but that ended in your death, your words change every encounter, but my mother ceased to exist when honerva drew her last breath centuries ago," Lotor told her sternly with a glare.

"I would never accept you as kin,"

"You are a twisted perversion of what was once pure and beautiful, you bring dishonor on the name of my mother, witch,"

"I should've been the one that ended you, not zarkon, for your love for him May have been true but your motherhood never existed, nor shall it ever," he barked harshly with anger.

Honerva looked down disappointed but regained her confidence to look Lotor in the eye once again.

"Take him away," she hissed as it hurt to hear the words come from her child's mouth.

Axca grabbed Lotors arm as they made eye contact for a moment but only for Axca to pull Lotor back for her to shoot her blaster at honerva instead.

But the witch was gone before it hit her.

"Did you just kill her?!" Ezor cried out.

"Are you working with Lotor?" Zethrid gulped wise eyes.

The locked clicked and cuffs fell at the princes feet as he held his wrists.

"I can explain everything but I assure you she is not dead," Lotor told them strongly as Axca stood with him.

"If your with me we need to get to the sincline ships and leave now to regain another asset of ours, Lance," Lotor looked at them calmly.

"We're getting lance?" Ezors eyes lit up. "I'm in, I miss my best friend,"

"Sure.. I'm in too," Zethrid looked at ezor as she agreed.

"Right then, we're headed to the castle of lions to get him at its last known location," Lotor nodded determined.

"Sir the wormhole deposited us on the far side of the thizonian system, we need to make multiple hyperspace jumps and even then it'll take some time," Axca told him.

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