Once and for all

546 28 1

So this was it, this was death.

He'd think he's seen death and met death so many times and by now he wouldn't fear it, would take his last breath in battle with adrenaline coursing through his veins.

But it was peaceful. Quiet. Still.

It made a prince of the misunderstood tremble as his skin burned.

But it felt like a soothing hot bath rather than his own lavender flesh burning. His body was numb but his mind was at ease, maybe it was just in shock.

It wasn't like last time. Or the time before that. Or any time his life was at risk.

Because this time he knew he wouldn't wake up again, wouldn't see his love in a very long time. His throat burned so he couldn't say the one thing he loved most one more time. He wanted to cry but he couldn't.

So the prince looked ahead seeing a faint figure in the sparking bright white light around them. His greatest accomplishment but his most horrid mistake.

His vision darkened. This was it. His ear run but whispers echoed in his head. They didn't tell him to kill again, but praying for him to rise with a hidden power, but he failed them too.

This wasn't like the death when he battled a monster he called father with his blade. Maybe because this time he didn't fight for what was right. But for his own selfish needs.

He rested his eyes for only a moment. He'd just take a break like someone told him hundreds of times, rest, clear your head, so he did. Wishing he could hear that voice of home one more time.

He heard someone but he didn't want to open his eyes. He was exhausted. Hearing glass breaking faded in the back and people screaming someone's name.

He exhaled slowly feeling fingertips on his cheek.

He wasn't dying alone it seemed. But this was the end. He just wished he could say he was sorry.

"Lotor please! Open your eyes!"


"Shield!" Keith commanded as Lotors blast came at them but was blocked by the red shield from voltron a back. It pushed them back anyways as there was nothing steady around them.

"Hunk form canon!" Keith grunted.

"Got it!" Hunk slammed his bayard into the controls and voltrons yellow canon formed on its shoulder and sent a powerful blast back at Lotor but he dodged it anyways.

The canon shot followed the galra as it destroyed astroids around them as Lotor flew out of the attack but flipped around to avoid it quickly.

"It's to fast," lance sneered.

"Then we'll have to get in close, form sword," Keith shouted putting his own bayard in the controls for voltrons hand weapon.

But Lotor formed two blades for each hand. Coming straight toward them with fire in his eyes.

The blades collided as the two machine weapons pressed against each other trying to see who would give in.

"Now we will see how alfors legacy stands against the new altean defender," Lotor smiled darkly and grunted pushing forward.

"Yet your a coward to hide your marks!" Lance snarled back swinging the blade down on him as Lotor sneered blocking, he slammed his foot against voltrons chest sending them flying back but that came at him again.

Blades collided again but danced clanking against each other before Lotor kicked their shield back as they flew back but the prince wasn't finished.

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