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"Luca?" Sam walked in once the altean was awake.

"My name is Sam holt, your on planet earth, do you know how you got here?" He smiled softly at her trying to be as kind to the eye. He understood the feeling of waking up somewhere you've never been with strangers that may or may not be there to hurt you.

She didn't say a word.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere? Your head?" Sam asked gently. She pulled her knees to her chest, she was shaking it a little.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I promise," he set the tablet down but she didn't look up at all.

He sighed gently seeing she wasn't going to budge.

"It's okay, take your time, we'll bring you some food and water," he smiled again as he left and groaned when the door closed.

"Romelle, do you think you could get her to talk? A familiar face?" Sam looked at the three alteans that watched with all different emotions.

"Yea, I'll talk to her," romelle smiled sadly and went to the door while Sam went to get her food and water.

"You think she'll talk?" Allura asked Lotor in a whisper.

"We'll see, Romelle is right, Luca is a loyal determined person, who knows," Lotor kept his arms crossed seeing Romelle go in.

"Luca, I'm so glad your alright," Romelle hugged herself as the red altean looked up hearing the familiar voice now.

"We can help, what happened to you? Where's the colony?" She asked calmly walking forward. Luca glared at her.

"So you can betray them again?" Luca sneered.

"What?" Romelle gasped.

"You betrayed us Romelle, and for the Paladins of voltron, the very ones who killed our savior Lotor," she hissed darkly scooting away a little.

"No it's not like that!" Romelle said quickly as lucas heart rate started to go up.

"Savior?" Allura whispered.

"You've sided with the great destroyers! She told us of their lies! She's going to fix it all!" Luca raised her voice with hate on her face.

"She'll reunite us with Lotor, with altea! You don't stand a chance against honerva-" Luca was cut off by her own choking gasped.

Lotor bolted in the room hearing the monitor go flat and Luca collapsed back on the bed.

"Luca!" Lotor grabbed her shoulders but it was to late. She was dead.

"We need a medic! Allura get someone!" Lotor yelled to the window but he only saw himself in the reflection. She was gone but he had hope to bring her back, if they weren't so damn slow.

"She-she's dead," Romelle covered her mouth in shock.

"Damn, Dammit," Lotor backed away.

"She mentioned honerva, is that who is behind all of this?" Romelle asked. She was surprised seeing the fear in his eyes as his hands shook and his jaw trembled.

"Lotor?" She gulped nervously. He leaned against the wall covering his face.

A low chuckle escaped his lips as he started to slide down the wall.

"O-of course, the damn w-witch," he gasped for air as he laughed but there was no humor behind it.

"Lotor? Hey calm down it's fine," Allura jogged over to them but he covered his ears shaking even more.

Romelle ran out of the room sprinting away yelling.

Allura hissed a cuss and stayed with Lotor as he wheezed desperately for a breath.

"What happened?!" Someone yelled as Romelle came back.

"Luca's dead, and-and he's freaking out, something about honerva his mother," Allura stuttered but moved out of the way.

"Lo," lance knelt in front of him.

"Mi Amor, look at me," he whispered touching his hands to pull them into his. The larger hybrid was shaking so much, jaw clenched and breathing was irregular.

"Amor, it's okay, it's not your fault," lance held his face with both hands, stroking his cheek gently to call him down, Lotor whimpered a little shaking his head.

"Honerva is- she took it- took it all, she's going-I-I'm useless against her," Lotor rasped out but paused when lance kissed his forehead gently brushing his hair behind his ear.

"Shh, just focus on breathing for me first okay? Like we've talked about, control yourself, like you've helped me right?" Lance whispered and Lotor nodded frantically gulping for air.

"What's wrong with him?" Allura asked confused.

"It's a panic attack, PTSD," lance mumbled calmly as he kept playing with Lotors hair as the galra rested his head against lances shoulder.

"How does that happen?" Allura knelt down in awe a little seeing the work between them.

"It started to get worse when he was in the battle of marmora with zarkon, but anything traumatic it can affect you," lance kept his voice low and calm.

"I thought you were broken up?" She frowned.

"We..." lance hesitated seeing how they were.

"We are, Romelle just told me Lotor was having a mental break down so I kind of knew what was happening, just because we're not together doesn't mean I won't help him," he nodded softly.

"I'll always be here for you, Lo," lance whispered.

"Thank you so much, I just... Im embarrassed, im sorry," Lotor looked up at him with guilt and shame.

"Hey, I might be in the same situation, I got you man," lance smiled reassuringly as he helped him to his feet. There was still a shake in his hands but that should go away.

"So what's up with the altean?" Lance looked over at the corpse confused.

"Honerva got ahold of the colony," Lotor breathed putting a hand on lances shoulders to lead him out. Lance pursed his lips not liking the sound of that.

"Alright, let's get the others and figure out the next step," lance nodded closing the door.

Allura watched the two men walk away as she and Romelle stayed back. She pursed her lips a little swallowing a lump in her throat, in a way it seems like nothing changed with them, like lance already forgave and forgot, she had no idea if he has. Maybe she should ask lance.. he obviously still had feelings for Lotor, or maybe it was just a old habit, or maybe they were just friends. They're not together.

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