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Lance walked into red as he looked around in awe, he's never been in the red lion before, it was so much smaller than blue, it was almost to tight for comfort. But red was warmer, it relaxed him when the lion purred to his presence, the small space almost felt more like a blanket than a stern shield like blue as she felt more like cool water surrounding him. Only word that could come to his mind was warmth due to the lion.

He sat in the seat and his hands softly took the controls as he felt the bond. He sighed closing his eyes. Keith.

"This doesn't feel right, after everything even with Keith, why me?" Lance roughly let go of the controls and looked at the lion.

"Why wasn't Allura enough? She's the fucking princess! Why not Matt? He's just as good of a pilot as Keith!" He shot harshly at the lion and felt red grumble in a low growl.

"My feelings for Keith in the past have nothing to do with our bond," he crossed his arms pouting and remembered how he and Lotor were at first. Reds stubbornness and personality in general where very similar to Lotor it seemed.

"I so have a fucking type," Lance grumbled as he grabbed the controls.

"Let's see who's the replacement now mullet," he whispered to himself remembering Keiths words at one time. A harder but easier time. The calm before this storm no one could see.


Lance flew down to the planet and gasped softly seeing the other lions follow through as he remembered they weren't here to attack him. They were ally's again.

"Welcome back," hunk said with a happy grin to see his friend back in action.

"Let's see how rusty I am," Lance smiled back at him and Pidge smirked at them. They saw a monster which they all started blasting at after the black lion was already battling the beast they aimed for.

"Ryner, what are we looking at here?" Pidge asked quick as the monster roared from the shots that did nothing.

"I don't under stand, the monster resembles one of our tree mechs," Ryner gasped to herself as she looked at the screen that detected the monster. "Its like the forest is being corrupted,"

"It must have something to do with whatever is emanating from the impact site," Shiro stated looking ahead.

"It looks like some sort of invasive plasma," Pidge pointed out pulling up a screen.

"It can't be a robeast," Lance whispered to himself. "Hagars dead..."

"Acxa, Lotor-" "Lance what are you doing?" Allura asked raising an eye brow.

"Contacting the generals, Matt and Lotor, I'm not sure if it's galra robeast like on Arus," Lance said looking at the scans as well.

"Hagars dead, that's not possible," Shiro glared at him.

"I get that but-" "Lance enough we have to stop it before it hurts anyone else, leave the galra out of this," Shiro cut him off and Lance glared silently but nodded.

"Coran have Matt analyze the data I'm sending," Pidge cut the tense silence as they got back into the fight.

"On it,"

The beast began to shoot back but the lions ducked quickly.

"Alright team, let's form Voltron," Shiro commanded.

They flew back to form the weapon as Voltron to only see purple blasts of orbs shooting at them. Shiro commanded the shield as Pidge created it to defend themselves.

They flew at the beast with the shield and slammed the front of it against the beast to push it back with force and Voltron flew back as well but skidded its feet against the forest grounds.

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