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Alarms suddenly went off throughout the ship as coran immediately pulled up a screen as everyone jumped at the sound a little.

"What is that?" Hunk asked confused and panicked.

"It's an incoming craft," coran looked at it.

"Shields up and pull it up on screen," shiro commanded quickly.

Coran did so but his breath was taken away by shock.

"That cant... that cant be," he gasped. "That's an altean pod! A really old one!"

"What's it doing out here?" Pidge made a face even more confused.

"Let's find out," shiro looked at the screen. "Attention altean pod, identify yourself,"

Suddenly Keith's face came up on the screen. A familiar face that's been gone for so long...

"Shiro it's Keith,"

"Keith!" Pidge smiled brightly.

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" Shiro asked in shock.

"How did you get your hands on that pod?" Coran questioner still in shock with his hopes getting up.

"He looks different..." hunk made a face.

"Where's Lotor?" Keith asked in a low tone.

"He's in the quintessence field," Hunk told him simply.

"Dammit," Keith gritted his teeth together.


Lotor typed his fingers across the purple screen as they floated in the field as Allura looked around excitedly. Lotor looked at her for a moment as he recognized the facial of excitement from his own lover, the way lance looked when they've traveled together, seeing new stars. He had to focus on the mission first, not lance, even if it was difficult.

"The readings are beyond anything I could imagine, what we do here today will change the course of the universe forever," he told Allura looking back at the screen focused.

He could feel the Quintessences echoing in his ears, like whispers almost. His own mind whispering back along with other voices he didn't recognize.

"In the hands of the wrong person this power could easily corrupt," Allura held some quintessence in her hand. She remembered this is how Lotors parents became the monsters they were, and to leave this man to fend for himself.

"We will see it never does," Lotor kept his eyes ahead.

"We'll continue the work your father started to long ago," he nodded with a sly smirk.

Allura smiled softly at the thought of her father.

"Now... let's see if we can collect some samples," Lotor pressed a few keys to continue their adventure.

They worked in the ship as there was a presence in the air, a similar feeling of oriande and the white lion. It felt heavy on Lotors shoulders, looking up with a soft gaze, this would finally be his success to his empire, to his life. He couldn't mess it up.

"I can feel the quintessence coursing through me," Lotor breathed.

"It's like my spirit, my whole being is more alive," Allura sighed in awe.

"I can feel everything's awareness, I can feel so much..." he nodded agreeing. It was an odd feeling.

They collected the samples as time went by and Lotor collected as much data as he could from the space around them.

"I believe it is time we head back," Lotor told Allura, she agreed and they got the ship ready to go back to the castle.

"This is the beginning of a new era," Lotor told her smiling confidently.

Allura smiled back happily, This war was finally coming to an end, she stared at the back of Lotors head with blush returning like many times before.


The two landed and Lotor jumped down first as he saw Allura got up but he lended her a hand knowing the jump was far, she jumped down but stumbled into his arms as Lotor immediately caught her before they both fell.

"Are you alright princess?" Lotor asked.

Allura looked up at Lotor wide eyes as they were only inches apart but body's were together, her heart raced in her chest as Lotors warm body held hers up.

She leaned up on her toes and felt her lips connect with his without realizing what she was doing, Allura didn't know this is what she wanted until she felt the mans lips.

But Lotor pushed her off and backed up quickly.

"L-Lotor-" "that was incredibly inappropriate princess," Lotor barked a little as he wiped his mouth.

"Never do that again," he looked away frowning as his arms where crossed close to his chest.

"It didn't give you the same rush as it did I?" Allura covered her mouth. She never kissed anyone before, it felt odd but good.

"Not with you," he gulped.

"Lance is my love, I'm sorry princess but he is the only one I will do that with, I love him, and you should respect him," Lotor told her sternly like an adult scowling a child.

"Lance... oh stars I forgot about lance, please don't tell him, I'm so sorry," Allura gasped remembering lance and Lotor practically ruled the empire together.

"I forgive you but I don't hide anything from him," Lotor told her with a frown as he could taste her lips, he wiped his mouth again.

"You guys are back!" Lance gasped walking in.

Lotor walked to him as lance jumped in his arms smiling in relief.

"I told you I'd come back," Lotor smiled laughing as lance peppered his cheek with kisses.

"I never doubted you amor," lance held his face smiling. "You did it,"

"You completely doubted me, but yes I did," Lotor leaned down to kiss him, satisfied with his lovers taste of lips to linger on his own.

"We should head back to the others, show them what we've found," Allura walked past them. Lance tugged Lotor along to Tell the others.

"Where you waiting for me my love?" Lotor gripped his hand and kissed the knuckles.

"Shut up ive been pacing and wandering because of you idiot," lance snorted having no idea what happened only moments ago.

They all walked in the main deck and paused seeing no one excited for their return, frowns and glares directed at one.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" 

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