Moving on

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"Is-is he going to be okay?" Hunk asked as everyone but one crowded in the black lion.

"Only time will tell if the body will accept shiros consciousness," Allura sighed.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Romelle asked softly.

"I've tried contacting the voltron coalition, but I can't get through to anyone, it doesn't make sense," Pidge has a screen up for her to look at.

"There might be some distortion I'm not picking up on? Maybe we need to get into the be upper atmosphere for a better signal?" Pidge listed a few outloud as she seem to be unable to figure it out.

"The lions aren't going anywhere without recharging their power cores," hunk looked down at her.

"The battle with Lotor severely depleted them, if we have the castle of lions we could recharge them but..." Allura looked down as she trailed off sadly.

"Has anyone checked on lance in a while?" Hunk asked cautiously.

"Don't bother, he choose to keep Lotor, he has to be the one that deals with that monster," Allura snapped at him a little.

"I'm not going anywhere near them," Romelle scoffed.

"Tell me, have you ever been in love?" Krolia looked at the two alteans sternly. They stayed silent.

"Then you wouldn't know the pain of what it's like to fear the life of your love, what lance is doing is dangerous, yes, but imagine how he'd be if you left the love of his life to die in the quintessence field," she crossed her arms and everyone looked down ashamed.

"You leave that poor boy alone," she narrowed her eyes. As that poor boy reminded her of her own love with the fight still in his eyes, and the smile of a true warrior. She remember seeing how lance jumped into battle when they confronted Lotor. He was ready to follow the galra to the ends of the universe.

"We could find some Faunatonium, it grows naturally on this planet, could help the lions charge a tad faster," Coran spoke up hugging his arms tightly breaking the silence.

"But first well need a yalmor," he snapped his fingers.

"Wait there's are yalmors on this planet?" Hunk blinked.

"Well how do you think we find the faunatonium? Yalmors have a nose for the stuff," Coran laughed like it was obvious.

"Okay, you guys find the yalmor and get the faunatonium, I'll stay with shiro," Keith looked at them.

Krolia looked at keith and smiled softly letting him know he wouldn't do it alone.

"I'll stay as well," Allura nodded.

"I may have exhausted the limits of what I learned on oriande, but I still might be able to help in some way," she smiled softly at the two son and mother.

"Alright then we'll get started," Coran nodded walking away but Romelle looked at them all like they were crazy.

"Wait, you just fought Lotor, defeated him, saved him as he is being healed as we speak with his general who is also a Paladin , stopped and explosion that could have destroyed reality, took your friends consciousness from the black lion of voltron and put it inside his clone, and now we're simply moving on?" Romelle asked with her hands in the air.

"Trust me I'm always saying the exact same thing, imagine how you would've been freaking out when lance came back for the first time and the second," hunk looked at Romelle like it wasn't new and she should've been use to it by now.

"But these guys like to move on," he nodded as they began to leave.


Lance sat in the lion alone as he tended to Lotors wounds, slowly cutting away the black clothes to tend to the burns. He grabbed a disinfectant liquid and a clean cloth, he gently placed the cloth against his skin, feeling Lotors body tense up under him but there was no sign of him waking up.

Lance moved onto the burns that trailed up to Lotors shoulder and touched the gash along his face, wrapping half of Lotors face with gauze. He looked at the wound that took off Lotors arm, his hand shook as he poured the disinfection liquid on the limb.

Suddenly a pained cry echoed the lion as Lotor screamed in agony but lance pressed the cloth against it closing his eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm trying," lance whispered as he wrapped up the amputated arm hoping it'll heal alright. Lotors body relaxed as lance stroked his hair back.

He sighed moving onto Lotors leg, it was bloodied and disfigured. He didn't know what to do with it... he'll come back to it later. He had to focus on the open wounds.

"Please just be broken," lance sighed as he went back to tearing the rest of Lotors top off and cutting along the sleeve to tear it off. He grabbed more clothes and gauze to disinfect the burns, finishing up and wrapping his arm, shoulder and chest of the galra lance grabbed the blanket and draped it over Lotor once again.

"Don't try getting up," lance pursed his lips softly as he left the lion as he only had on his armored pants but left his chest plate and gauntlets off to work better.

He ran a hand through his hair walking out into the sun hoping to get water maybe. He didn't know what the others thought of him, he fought with them but he didn't want to be one of them. But Lotor... he just proved them all right, how Lotor was evil and cruel. But they didn't know him like he did.

"Lance?" Someone looked at him surprised.

"Wha- oh hey keith," lance rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I thought you were with the others?" Keith looked at him confused.

"Um no? I've been in red all day, how's shiro?" Lance crossed his arms as he looked at keith. He was taller now, bigger, and there was a scar on his cheek now. Where did that come from?

"Still in the pod, Allura told me to get some air, I'm worried something is going to go wrong," Keith sighed looking down. Lance grabbed his face and inspected his cheek seeing the healing scar.

"How'd you get a burn mark? What happened when you went after shiro?" Lance touched off gently with his thumb.

"Um evil clone battle," Keith patted his hand away. "It was close,"

"How's Lotor?" He asked gently.

"I... I need help actually," lance inhaled a shaky breath. Keith nodded and followed lance to the red lion.

They walked through and Keith saw Lotor unconscious on the floor, missing his arm and burn marks on his right side that were covered.

"His leg is pretty bad, I don't know what to do," lance lifted the blanket that covered Lotors leg and Keith felt paler than usual.

"Will the pod fix it?" Lance asked quietly.

"Lance we were barely able to fix your leg back on the castle, this is worse," Keith knelt next to him. "You'll have to take from the knee and down off, it looks like it's just the tibia that's crushed, and the fibula," he pointed under the knee cap.

"Okay," lance sighed feeling sick.

"Keith I can't do it," he gulped shaking his head.

Keith looked at lance seeing the dark patches under his eyes as well as a bruise on his cheek bone from when shiro attacked, he looked miserable in general.

"Leave," Keith swallowed back.

"What?" Lance looked at him wide eyes.

"You'll want to leave for a little, check on shiro for me?" Keith touched his shoulder.

"... thank you," lance got up as he wiped under his nose and left the lion quickly.

Keith grabbed his knife and formed it into a sword. He placed the sword at where it should be fine to cut on Lotors leg. He couldn't believe he was going to agree to this, but he knew it'd be for the best, lance couldn't do it and Lotor couldn't survive with that leg.

Inhaling deeply Keith growled as he swung the sword down once. And once was enough.

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