Lions pride part 1

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Lance held his arm to his stomach as he stumbled to get to the chair in his lion to form voltron, he shoved the lever forward and red lit up to pilot themselves as lance did his best to try getting his arm in place as they formed voltron. But it was snapped in half, he wouldn't be able to fight in person, he might be able to still use his weapon if it came to that.

"Form sword!" Keith roared as they fought along side of the atlas with shiro at the helm.

Voltron flew across the armada of the galra slashing at the ships with the large sword. As soon as they raced off from the ships distraction they flew to the next one to destroy, avoiding being hit.

But there was more ships every time they turned around.

"I'm sending you the zaiforge cannons movements, this is a simulation I've run based on their current trajectory," Sam sent a screen to the lions as everyone was surprised.

"It leads to a single point in space, and once their in position their individual beams will merge together, increasing their destructive force," he told the team almost worried.

"Something like that will be powerful enough to completely destroy earth," lance recognized the prints from the galra, it was a simple strategy that was commonly used.

"So what do we do? We can't let that happen," hunk gulped a little.

"Should we go after the cannons?" Allura asked wide eyes. "We might not be able to defeat them all in time,"

"If even two of those beams connect they have the power to destroy earth," Lotor agreed as he stood behind him to see the screens.

"Best option is to kill Sendak, he's the one behind all of this," the prince glared a little in determination.

"Alright, let's go take him out," Keith nodded moving ahead.

But immediately was hit from a blast behind.

"What was that?!" Allura gasped at the impact.

"Move!" Hunk called as another blast almost hit them.

"It's from those bases that launch the zaiforge cannon!" Pidge pointed out. "They probably were designed to defend the cannons after they launch,"


Pidge and lance quickly pulled to bring the shield in front to block the next blast.

But the galra used that moment to start attacking voltron, to take out the biggest threat against them.

"Fuck! We're being attacked from all angles!" Pidge cried out as the controls shook.

"Should we pull back?!" Hunk grunted.

"No we're to close to retreat," lance snapped back as sweat ran down his face.

"We can't take any more shots from the ground base cannons lance!" Pidge yelled.

"See if they'll attack their own," lance huffed trying to ignore the agonizing pain in his arm from being thrown around in the lions from the shots.

They pulled back before the blast hit and it blew up the ship in front of them proving the point.

"He's destroying his own ships to get to us," Keith panted confused. But they were attacked again from all angles.


A fighter ship flew into the atlas and blew up on the front shaking the ship.

"We can't get to Sendak!" Coran called over to shiro.

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