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"Hey where are you god damn skittles package?!" Pidge kicked the door open. Lance bolted from the bed with a high pitched screech as Lotor snapped his eyes open as they were wide and confused.

"Why are you in our room?!" Lance screaming back as Lotor sat up rubbing his head with his hair messed up.

"We've been looking for you all morning?!" Pidge stormed over but hunk quickly ran over and pulled her back.

"Small being, it is the 6th hour of the day," Lotor yawned as his eyes were barely open. He rocked to the side and laid his forehead against lances shoulder, and arms shaking around Lances waist, as the couple didn't move from the bed.

"We need to get to the next step," pidge huffed as hunk held her like she was a teddy bear, pursing his lips.

"Can I put her down?" Hunk raised an eye brow.

"No, she could take the blanket off," lance whispered loudly as he held the blanket close to his chest with wide eyes.

"Wha- ew! Gross!" Pidge cried out and lance winked now smirking.

"I made sure my quarters of the ship were off limits to everyone," Lotor growled at them annoyed as his ears were back.

"Sorry sir, they said it was important," nayla walked in with folded blankets and set them on a dresser as she had a satisfying look on her face as her long purple hair was braided down her back.

"You havent gotten to the point, I'm going back to bed or I'm making the most of alone time, out," lance glared unamused.

"You got an hour," pidge pointed.

"My general, my ship, my empire, get out," Lotor finally snapped tiredly as lance smirked leaning back as hunk slowly pulled pidge out of the room.

"Aw your not a morning person," lance rolled over to Lotor smiling.

"Not what I want to wake up to," Lotor grumbled but lost the tension when lance kissed his shoulder and held onto his arm.

"They can wait," lance whispered and Lotor was ready to sleep again, as it seemed rare for them to even be alone anymore.


"We'll see intel in your briefing and decide what to do from there," shiro said as he walked next to Lotor as the two was discussing the meeting coming up as he had his hand intertwined with Lances at his side.

"Maybe we can-" "Lotor," an old voice echoed from the middle of the main bridge of the galra ship.

Lotors eyes widen in shock then a face of despair replaced it.

"Oh no..."

"Uh who are you?" Lance quirked a brow at the old galra woman.

"How dare you speak to me without authorization from blood emperor Lotor, no less make contact with blood emperor Lotor," the woman slapped her stick across Lances hand to release their contact and within the same lash hit lance in the face.

"Ow!" He cried out jumping away.

"She is my governess, no one has used the term 'blood emperor' since before we were a star fading race," Lotor stepped in front of lance with a calm yet protective look.

"These are my colleagues," Lotor motioned to the Paladins for his governess. "And this is my mate, do not touch him again," he looked at lance then the woman.

"They all have more than my permission to speak," he told her. "Everyone, this is Dayak,"


"A pleasure,"



"Nice to meet you,"

"So.. to what do we owe the honor?" Lotor asked unamused looking at the woman as lance pouted holding onto lotors are with a suspicious look at the old woman.

"Word of your victory at the Kral Zera has spread throughout the empire, I always knew you had it in you to crush your enemies, Dayaks raised you from a child to a man, yet my daughter still hold more knowledge than you. But now I'll witness your ascension to the throne," Dayak smiled proudly at him as she held her stick high and mighty.

Lotor smiled but it felt more framed in horror and embarrassment as lance cackled next to him.

"Wait she raised you from a child? Is this your nanny? Awww," Lance cooed laughing as he looked up at Lotor amused.

"Governess," Lotor blushed as his ears went back.

"You have a nanny! Oh man does she have any baby pictures? Or what about your first day of school pictures? Oh my god please tell me you have little Lotor pictures!" Lance gasped getting excited as lotors face burned dark shade of purple.

The stick was about to hit lance once again but Lotor moved him out of the way simply.

"I instructed Lotor in the ways of the galra, the history of our conquests, our customs, battle philosophy, the are of war," Dayak explained sternly with a bitter face.

"No shit, how else did he think about taking one of us to take down voltron?" Pidge snickered to lance from behind. Lance smirked shrugging.

"Galra customs.. hmm... is that like when you guys say vrepit sa and stuff?" Hunk asked with his hands on his hips.

"God there's so much we don't know about you, lance do you know about their culture at all?" Hunk looked at his friend curiously.

"I know they can speak backwards but I just recently found out that's not their native tongue, just zethrids hobby, but I do know some galra," lance popped out from behind Lotor as he was on the other side.

"Don't," pidge knew what was us as her arms were crossed.

"If your interested in our societies history, you couldn't find a better teacher than Dayak," Lotor smirked at Hunk mischievously.

"What Lotor says is true," she agreed.

"Wow, would you really teach me about the galra?" Hunk asked in awe.

"What do you wanna know about the galra for?" Allura asked behind him.

"Well we're going to be working with Lotor and you to bring peace through the empire right? Makes sense the more we know about their society the better," Hunk smiled brightly as he looked at Allura for a moment before bringing his attention back to Dayak.

"If you are to learn the ways of the galra, you must be prepared for the most challenging trial you could ever undertake, there will be no turning back, victory or death," Dayak glared down at him with her maroon over yellow eyes.

"Uh that's... okay.." hunk put up his hands in forfeit.

"Hunk you are a paladin if voltron, there's no challenge to great for you," Allura told him kindly.

"Mmm will I know what vrepit sa means?" Hunk asked flatly.


"Okay!" He clasped his hands together excitedly as Dayak lead him away to learn.

"Let's get to that briefing," shiro nodded.

They all walked away as lance held lotors hand smiling softly.

"How come you never told me what vrepit sa means? Or you have a nanny?" Lance whined a little.

"I'm sure Nayla doesn't want her mother around as much as I don't," Lotor rolled his eyes unamused by the woman.

"That was nayla's mother?! Honestly something felt familiar with that icy look and bitchy attitude," lance was blown away a little.

"And for not telling you.. I was hoping to give you a lesson on the galra culture on my own," Lotor purred in his ear and lance smiled burning red. 

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