Take off

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"No!" Lotor screamed in his sleep in the middle of the night, sweat running down his face as his claws dug into the sheets.

Lance gasped awake as he sat up immediately seeing Lotor having another nightmare. He gently shook Lotors shoulders trying to wake him from the dream.

"Lo, Hey your okay, wake up mi amor," lance shook him more.

"Lotor!" Lance cried out patting the side of his face. Lotors eyes snapped open as he flung himself to the side gripping his chest with his back to lance.

"Amor just breathe," lance brushed his hair out of his face and over his shoulder as Lotor wheezed with wide eyes.

"Remember, in one two three, out one two three," lance rubbed small circles on his shoulder as Lotor coughed and inhaled a deep breath sitting up.

"Zarkon?" Lance asked softly as he rubbed Lotors back next to him.

"I'm sorry," Lotor sighed putting his face in his hands.

"Shh Shh don't be, I'm here for you my love," lance held his hand tightly and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.

"I can't get that battle from my mind, I couldn't protect you," Lotor whispered closing his eyes.

Lance pursed his lips as he laid Lotor back down as they both laid on their sides as Lotor stared at Lances face.

"I want to marry you," Lotor mumbled feeling sleep find him again.

"Your delusional," Lance smirked running his fingers through Lotors hair soothing him.

"I only want you," he breathed closing his eyes as lance smiled softly.

"You have to meet my family and my planet before you marry me, you still have to meet-" "Chloe," Lotor said before lance could finish.

"You want me to meet your little sister, I want to too, you love her so very much," Lotor babbled a little as he held Lances hand by their heads.

"I do... you remember," lance smiled sadly a little. "I told you about her a while ago,"

"I can't wait for you to meet my mother, I hope... I hope my family doesn't hate me still.." he whispered but felt lotors hand tighten around his.

"Never.." Lotor mumbled.

"Go to sleep amor, I love you," lance smiled as he watched Lotors face relax as he fell asleep, keeping Lances hand hostage.


"I've waited an eternity for this," Lotor stood in front of the ship with Allura near him. He gazed at it proudly as the Paladins waited in the main bridge.

"We've done everything we can to prepare us for this moment, we're ready," Allura nodded.

"It means so much to me to share this moment with you, once enemies, now allies," Lotor looked at her calmly.

The boarded the ship as Lotor sat in the front as Allura co piloted behind him as they started up the ship and checked on the screens to make sure everything was in place.

"Beginning system check, front and rear stabilizers," Lotor pressed some buttons to make them clear.

"Front and rear stabilizers are go," Allura confirmed.

"Quintessence collection array,"

"Quintessence collection array is go,"


"Infracells Up,"

The Paladins stood at the main deck as they watched on a screen that had cameras that showed multiple parts of the ship including Lotor and Allura. Worried for how the trip could go, when they would come back.


"Dynotherms connected,"

"Switching on mega thrusters,"

"Mega thrusters are go,"

"I can't be the only one that thinks this is nuts right?" Hunk asked next to shiro and behind coran.

"I talked to Lotor about it, it's a long shot I know but if this is successful we'll be on our way to peace," lance looked at his friend softly.

"But getting out?" Hunk looked over at him.

Lance felt his stomach drop, he didn't even think about them getting out of the field..

"I agree with Hunk, this plan is a foolhardy and unnecessary risk," coran had his arms crossed as he stood in the front.

"I don't know, we've traveled through the quintessence field to another reality, this isn't just theoretical physics, mathematically we know this is possible," pidge crossed her arms as well looking down.

"It is hard to argue with math, believe me I've tried," coran met her side bending to her level as pidge was taken by surprise.

"But even if they do reach the quintessence field, then what?" Shiro asked. "Last time anyone got in there it turned zarkon evil,"

"Shiro makes a fine point! Take that math!" Coran wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Zarkon fell into his own evil instincts, the quintessence field didn't create that, it revealed his intentions," lance sent shiro a look of concern.

Suddenly the screen cameras moved as it showed that Lotor and Allura took off in the ship to go to the quintessence field.

"Oh so this is good bye," coran pursed his lips. "For now,"

"Lotor," lance caught his loves attention on the screen as they turned on the mic.

"Yes love?" Lotor looked at him through the camera.

"Get back safe," he sighed.

"Always," Lotor smirked nodding.

They all waited as the two royals got closer to the gates entrance.

"T minus ten tics to gate entry," coran stepped to the controls.


Lotor held the handles steady as he glanced at the box at his side as they grew closer to the entry.


The gate started up.


Allura flipped a switch that made the ship glow as in protection for the other side.





Alarms began to go off in the ship letting them know they're getting very close to the radiation.



And they were gone in the flash of white light.

Lance had his arms crossed as one of his hands was over his chest, rubbing his thumb against his index finger.

"I think I'm going to wait in the hangar," lance let out a deep breath. "I need some air,"

"Don't open a window," pidge called.

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