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The Paladins rushes through, heated from the battle as they planted softly to get to the others. The white lion hit them as the castle ships systems all went down as they enlisted with the rest of the grave yard. As well as all Voltron lions.

"What happened?" Lance asked with a frown.

"Are you alright?" Lotor speed walked to lance concerned.

"I'm fine, that last hit took down all of the lions power," he explained.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know," Lotor whispered as he held the side of his face.

"Guess that's the fun with you, never know what's going to happen," lance winked trying to crack a joke and succeeded when Lotor smile relaxing.

"I managed to restore auxiliary power but it won't last long," coran told them with man next to him. "If we don't get the castle running within the quintant we'll be out of air,"

"Lotor your marking, why are they glowing?" Lance asked as he's been the only one that's truly seen Lotor with his more altean side showing.

"What's up with your face?" Hunk just noticed.

"Yea and if this is the home of altean alchemy, why can't Voltron get in?" Pidge asked confused.

"I am sorry to put us in this position but I think I know the answer, look at Allura," Lotor held on arm around lance as the general hung onto him a little not to be needy but for comfort, for the both of them.

Allura touched her face just noticing her altean marks glowing as well.

"It's called the mark of the chosen, they are mentioned in some Oriande legends," Lotor explained. "They indicate those worthy of entering the realm,"

"Why aren't corans marks glowing?" Shiro asked.

"There are different types of alteans, Allura possesses a deep connection to altean energy, it enables her to operate the teludav and change her shape and size," he nodded motioning to then princess.

"Oh like with you and your changing colors," Lance snapped his fingers connecting the dots.

"Exactly," Lotor nodded at him.

"Her father had greater alchemic understandings than any before him, others are... less magical, no offense," he smiled sheepishly at coran who looked at him unamused.

"So what do we do now?" Hunk asked.

"Allura and I need to enter the white hole alone," lotor sighed.

"What about the monster?!" Lance cried out.

"The monster is a guard keeping the unworthy out, it won't hurt us," Lotor told him.

"Yea and before you said it wouldn't hurt us," hunk whined.

"How are you going to get there? We're stuck here with our thumbs up our asses," Pidge raised an eyebrow.

"We can use the personal transport crafts," Allura offered.

"Not helping," lance growled.

"Don't worry, this will work, I can feel it," Allura smiled at him and Lance frowned still as he stayed at Lotors side.

"I trust you," lance sighed looking up at his lover. "Just come home,"

"Always my love," Lotor kissed his hand.


Later on Lotor and Allura used the personal transfer crafts as they flew out of the castle and into the white hole but the Paladins couldn't see them anymore. 

"Did they make it in?" Lance asked concerned.

"I don't know, I can't get any readings beyond the edge of the white hole," coran explained just as concerned for Allura as Lance was of Lotor.

"We'll just have to wait,"


Allura and Lotor flew into the light of the white hole as they enters its system as ahead was the white lion. Alluras eyes widen as Lotor stated firm and narrow as he flew towards it. The lions mouth opened as it roared at them but they flew right through and in a blast of a white light... they passed through the guardian.

Allura gasped softly as they where surrounded by lilac clouds as ahead was floating lances with blue highlighted under in the bright purple sky. Oriande.

"It's amazing," Allura breathed as she looked around as they passed through and stood on the transfer crafts while traveling further into the lands, not knowing what was alive or if anything was alive. The two landed on one of the islands as they shut off the crafts as they stood in front of one of the mountains.

"None is my research or travels have prepared me for this," Lotor breathed as he stared at the sights.

"From here we are on our own," he nodded walking forward.


"I'm bored,"

Ezor sat in the middle of a floor in a galra cruiser with Acxa and zethrid as they waited alone but two galra soldiers where guiding the ship down below.

"How Long are we just gonna drift here? I had more fun when lance and I could at least train at the altean castle thing," Ezor groaned sitting up with her head back.

"Until we are given news of our next move is," Acxa said sternly with her arms crossed and Ezor groaned longer and more annoyed.

"The whole empire is in chaos, we play our cards right and we have a nice little territory of our own," zethrid put her hands together as she was on the ground as well and looked at Ezor.

"I miss lance though..." she mumbled putting her knees under her chin. Acxa looked away as she sighed softly.

"Where's lance?!" Zethrid ran over to Acxa and Ezor as the galra leaders where in battle as Lotor was fighting on stairs with Sendak.

"I lost him, some asshole tried attacking me but found lance instead," Ezor growled.

They heard whispers that crawled through their minds and shivered down their spines as the girls looked to the side confused and ready to fight anyone that dared.

"We cant stay..." Acxa frowned.

"Acxa we cant ruin this for us, we just got our alliance and our friends back," Ezor whimpered grabbing her wrist.

"And what if Lotor looses it again, what if Sendak wins, our heads will be on silver platters for that emperor," zethrid put a hand over her shoulder but Ezor looked at the battle of galras and in the distance saw lance fighting off one on his own.

Tears weld up in her eyes as she glared at the girls.

"We have to go now Ezor," zethrid told her gently.

"You think we could replace Lotor as emperor?" Ezor asked wide eyes.

"Who knows, if we start taking the other commanders out one by one, we could be the last ones standing," zethrid explained smirking.

"No one is replacing Lotor, we just need to wait for orders," Acxa looked at the two narrowing her eyes.

Zethrid and Ezor looked at each other unamused.

"Wanna go throw things at the crew?"


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