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Axca flew in the middle as ezor had the other ship from the castle and zethrid flew with a ship they had from the empire. Suddenly a blast hit Axca from behind as shiros pod flew past them all with Lotor to retrieve him to the empire.

The black lion went through the three ships to go after shiro but when he didn't respond Keith felt his heart drop, he jumped back into action seeing the other lions fighting the generals as blasts from both ends were firing.

A purple blast went after the red and yellow lion but lance dodged as hunk got hit and went flying to the side.

"Axca! Ezor! Zethrid! What are you doing?!" Lance barked as he ducked another blast with red.

"Following orders," Axca narrowed her eyes and sent another blast at him.

"From who?!" Lance shot back from reds mouth.

"Sorry lance..." ezor pursed her lips and shot him down from the side as lance cried out from the impact.

"We can't say yet, but I mean like if you join us instead of being a paladin then you totally-" "ezor those aren't the orders!" Zethrid cut her off as ezor jumped wide eyes.

"Just don't hurt him," lance panted seeing shiro getting away, knowing that they'd all be together.

Axca kept a straight face but went back into the fight as she went for the green lion but before her shot could hit, the black lion blocked her blast and attacked back.

"We're no match for them in our lions, we need to form voltron!" Keith commanded.

As voltron was formed the three generals didn't hold back as they let shiro get ahead with Lotor as they held off voltron with everything they had.

Dancing around the dead planet of what was once the galras home as the girls fought together in unity as voltron didn't stand a match for three ships.

"We're on our way!" Coran watched the battle with determination.

"Coran no, the castle barely made it the the first time we fought just one of these ships, you'll only-" Keith was cut off with a grunts scream as he held voltrons shield to protect them from the galra ships combined laser blast.

"Keith is right, the ships defense will never hold," Allura panted as she gripped the handles.

"We can't take this much longer!" Pidge cried out.

"You guys have any ideas?!" Hunk grunted.

"Coran fire just below our position!" Keith yelled thinking quick.


"Destroy the rock we're pinned against now!" Keith growled as sweat ran down his face.

From where the castle was a beam was shot at the rock as it exploded under voltron and they were freed from the surface and enough to fly out of the way of the galras attack.

"Lance! Pidge! I need you get us some cover," Keith commanded.

The red and green lions fired as they hit the rocks to create small explosions that gave them time to get away from the three ships.

"Who's got eyes on shiro?!" Keith called but suddenly they were stopped by purple beam ropes that were wrapped around their foot and another grabbed their arm as the third wrapped around voltrons torso.

The three girls flew towards a large rock as voltron was dragged behind them but they split apart before they hit the rock but enough for voltron to slam into it with no mercy.

The Paladins groaned and panted as voltron was in the rock as they watched a wormhole appear for the three generals to escape.

Lance watched in horror seeing his girls leave him when he and Lotor searched for them for months... and they were just going to leave him, alone with then Paladins, alone...

"It's Hagar, it has to be," Alluras eyes narrowed  seeing the wormhole.

"She's dead, there's no way," Hunk panted catching his breath.

"There's no one else, she must've have gained new abilities.. but how?" Allura watched with confusion.

"Enough. We can't let them escape!" Lance snarled as he turned his fear into anger.

"Lance is right, we have to make sure we get shiro back," Keith nodded.

"Shiro isn't shiro!" Lance snapped at him.

"It doesn't matter! Something is wrong with him, the galra or Lotor have to be behind it, we're not leaving him behind," Keith barked at him harshly as Lances fist clenched around the handles in rage.

"He would never give up on us, we can't give up on him," Keith sighed shaking his head thinking of a plan.

"Then fucking go get him and stop bitching," lance spat out with a glare.

Voltron creaked as they forced the robot from the ground and blasted back into battle before the wormhole could close but something was wrong with the weapon.

"Guys one of my thrusters is down, can you compensate?" Keith grunted as his wing sparked a little.

"The beams torched our core power, Ive never seen anything like it!" Pidge cried out.

"We've got maybe 30 seconds of over clocked burn time," hunk shouted over them.

"Hit it!"

All the power they had was used as voltron went faster through the rocks but they still wouldn't make it in time.

"We're half way! 25 percent," Hunk told them keeping an eye on the screen as keith watched as shiros pod went through the wormhole.

"15 percent!" Ezors ship went through next.

Then Axca and zethrid behind her as the wormhole started to close.

"8 percent!"

"We're not going to make it," Lances eyes widen in horror. He was going to loose them, loose all of them..

"We need to disband!" Lance told them thinking quick.


"The power from us disconnecting will give Keith a boost, he'll be the only one but it's all we got!" Lance explained quickly as keith thought it over.

"We can't have keith be the only one!" Allura shot back.

"Do it!" Keith shouted. Without hesitation voltron disassembled and the black lion was tossed ahead as keith used his thrusters to fly into the wormhole.

And soon the black lion was on the other side alone.

"Bring them both back," Lance whispered as something felt wrong in his stomach.

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