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Allura brought Lotor down in an elevator below the garrisons. Lotor watched workers along the beastly monster that represented so similar to what he built himself.

"Theyve recovered most of the pieces, trying to find the source of its power," Allura said calmly as they both were in uniform.

"Until now," she whispered when they reached the bottom.

The door opened and the two walked to Sam and other workers as they stood in front of a piece that was vertical so they could face it.

Lotor covered his mouth with a soft gasped.

It was an altean inside the power source in the sincline. In a suit that connected themselves to the machine, they were unconscious.

"An altean," Allura nodded firmly.

"Is she alive?" Lotor walked past her wide eyes as his hand stayed over his throat.

"Yes but she doesn't seem to be stabilized, she needs medical assistance immediately, we've been trying to make sure she can be removed," Sam turned to Lotor looked anxious to see another altean.

"Any ideas?" He asked as Lotor joined him next to the altean.

Lotor placed his hand on the helmet of the altean and pressed under it to remove the helmet gently. The altean gasped falling out and Lotor immediately catched her as she collapsed in his arms.

"Luca?" He whispered seeing her copper hair fall down her back with her red altean marks glowing softly.

"You know her?" Allura stood behind him.

"She's from the colony," Lotor stared at her shocked.

Lotor stood in front of the glass window that overlooked the room Luca was in as she was still unconscious but she was hooked up to a few machines to make sure she's stabilized and still could stay alive. It's been hours since they recovered her and Lotor hasn't left the altean alone. He was in shock.

"You did this to her," Romelle walked over to him with disgust in her eyes.

"Romelle please," Allura stopped her from getting in Lotors space.

"This is all your fault! You can play a hero and play nice with the humans but your still a monster! Your still a murderer!" Romelle snarled at the hybrid as Lotor stayed calm.

"Romelle stop!" Allura barked.

"Or what?" The blond spat.

"You're wrong," Lotor crossed his arms.

"I'm not wrong," Romelle hissed.

"I'm not a monster, yes I've killed but I'm not a monster," he sighed like he was bored.

"You cocky bastard," she raised her hand but Lotor grabbed her wrist in a blink of an eye.

"A monster has no remorse for their wrongdoings, a monster plays with its food instead of surviving, a monster manipulates then innocent and doesn't love, I've met monsters, ive lived with monsters, I've feared monsters, I've been afraid of myself," he looked down at her darkly and released the alteans wrist with a small push.

"I could've been a monster, but I'm not, I'm not like my father," Lotor whispered in a low tone as Romelle still was enraged.

"Because of that pathetic brat of a general? He's why you think your better than you are? Your just as pathetic!" Romelle raised her voice.

"Yell at me, insult me, try to hurt me, but you leave lance out of that filthy lying mouth of yours," Lotor hissed and that made fear shoot down her spine.

They were all silent for a moment as the heart monitor beeped. Lotor tore his eyes away from the two Alteans.

"I didn't always get along with Luca at the colony..." Romelle put a hand on her hip with a small glare looking at the red head altean.

"But despite that I still respected her, she had an inner strength that many did not, and a desire to be part of something greater than herself," she huffed watching the doctors in the room as well.

"If she was so desperate for something to believe in, it may have made her susceptible to being manipulated," Allura narrowed her eyes.

"My question is, who got ahold of my colony?" Lotor frowned.


Two more hours went by as Lotor stayed at the window making sure there were no signs of Luca becoming unstable. There was one close call but nothing since.

Allura and Romelle left him long ago but Lotor was stuck in his head. Who could've done this to her, it couldn't have been the colony itself, the alteans wouldn't have that type of technology. He was surprised they were all dead in the first place.

"Romelle told us she's from a colony of alteans, just found out they were suppose to be all dead thousands of years ago," a new voice came by. Pulling Lotor out of his thoughts.

"Veronica, was it?" He looked seeing lances sister.

"Is it true that you killed them to use their lives for your own greed?" She asked ignoring his question.

"No, not for my greed," Lotor sighed.

"I do have altean blood on my hands through, lives were lost, including Romelle brother, I won't deny it," he mumbled. "It was trial and error, and doing it alone with no other help it was difficult,"

"How many died?" She narrowed her eyes a little.

"Out of the 10,000 years? 2,398," he closed his eyes. He hated the number and had a feeling it would keep rising.

"Why didn't you stop? If you didn't want them dying then why did you keep going?" Veronica asked shaking her head.

"I did, I stopped for the time Zarkon was on his death bed, when I was leader of the galra I stopped, and once I was emperor I was able to bring together a plan to start again and this time no lives would be lost, it was going to be successful," Lotor inhaled a deep breath as he explained.

"What happened then?" She questioned.

"Romelle came back with the wrong accusations, turned the Paladins against me, my generals turned against me, I went mad, insane," he shrugged.

"Did lance know?"

"Not for long but yes, my generals are-were my most trusted allies, closest thing I had to friends in a way..." Lotor didn't look at her.

"Did you ever hurt my brother?" Veronica clenched her jaw. "On purpose or not,"

"I did, emotionally I really hurt him with my betrayal, it sickens me," he gulped. It was like he had to swallow glass every time he had to admit it.

"You should know, lance isn't weak, he held his own, he's a good man that won many battles on his own, he's smart and strong, you should give him more credit," Lotor looked at her calmly. He didn't want to spook her so he relaxed his shoulders more and eased his gaze.

"He's just a kid," she scrunched her nose.

"He's not," he replied.

"He was when before he left earth but when I met him he was a soldier, someone who sacrificed everything for his team, he's a strong soldier who's only gotten stronger,"

"He earned a place in my empire, worked for it, his only intentions were to help in the war, I wish everyone could see what I see in him," Lotor sighed softly.

"It almost sounds like you have a crush on him, better watch it if the princess heard you talking like that," Veronica rolled her eyes and Lotor looked disturbed.

"Princess? As in Allura?" He squeaked.

"Princess and prince? Yea," she scoffed walking away as his jaw dropped.

Everyone thinks his exe lover is Allura?!? He wasn't even attracted to women!

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