Lions pride part 2

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"Lotor? Shiro?! Shiro!"

Lotor groaned as he laid on the metal ground looking to the side, seeing Shiro laying on his stomach with the destroyed crystal scattered all over the room, the room was dark without the source and the smell of metal burning was surrounding him.

He sat up with a groan and pushed himself up to see if the captain was alright.

"Black Paladin," Lotor grunted. "Black Paladin we must go, the ship will be destroyed,"

His ears rung as he could hear muffle yelling in the ear pieces. Atlas Trying to defend themselves, trying to contact the Paladins, trying to get ahold of them.

"Atlas can you hear me? Paladins? Holt?" Lotor held his head in pain at the headache he had.

"Lotor are You and Shiro alright?" Sam reached him.

"We were caught in the explosion but were both breathing, Shiro is unconscious," Lotor told him calmly.

"How are the Paladins?" He asked.

"It seems the red lion is activated and back in the battle, took out one cruiser within the last minute," sam explained quickly and Lotor let out a breath of relief, lance was okay.

"I'll alert you when we've left the ship," Lotor confirmed as he grabbed shiros arm and wrapped it around his shoulder to pull him on his back.

Only minutes later Sendak found the empty room of a destroyed crystal and no proof of who was there to destroy it.


As the atlas held back their ship kept sinking closer and closer to the earth but the canons blast it gave the Paladins time to start fighting back once again, they followed lances lead and used all their strength to destroy all the cannons and ships. While the mfe pilots were able to neutralize their own targets with the time they were given.

"The only remaining hostile is Sendak's ship," Veronica tapped through as they were soon seeing victory.

"It's free falling towards earth, it's already hit terminal velocity," she frowned.

"Shiro is still in there," Sam narrowed his eyes, Lotor hasn't contacted him that they left the ship yet.

"Are you alright?" Lotor asked as Shiro gained consciousness and was stabled on his feet again.

"Bruised but alive," Shiro nodded.

"Good, because we're about to crash in this ship so we need to go," Lotor punched the door in the ceiling that lead to the top of the ship.

Shiro jumped up and pulled himself up to the surface as he and Lotor sprinted across the top of the ship as they were already in earth's atmosphere, it was hot around them, if it wasn't for their suits it would've probably burned.


Lotor immediately turned around knowing that voice and snarled seeing Sendak.

"Paladin go," Lotor growled grabbing his sword.

"I'm not leaving you behind," Shiro glared back. They both had this mans death on their list.

"No more games, this ends now," Lotor twirled his blade.

Sendak sent a blast at the men as they jumped out of the way, Shiro blocked the next blast with his arm to shield himself and Lotor took it to run towards Sendak.

"I knew you were alive," Sendak growled at Lotor.

"Three years I've waited, I got a taste of my dream when I got to make your little lover scream from his broken bones, a weak little prick," he chuckled darkly. Lotor let out a roar and raised his blade.

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