chapter 3

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Blakes pov

Next thing I know i'm getting smacked in the face with a pillow when it's removed. I see Haze and Ellie lurking over me. 

¨get up princess we're going out¨ Haze instructs

 ¨what do you mean we went out last night¨ I say grogley

 I was still recovering from my hangover from the previous night but the nap I had helped tremendously. 

¨ Rho Epsilon is having a party it's playboy themed now get up my little bunny and get dressed¨

 I pull myself up and over to my closet and pick out my definition of a skimpy red dress 

¨uh I don't think so princess way to safe especially for my playhouse¨ Haze makes his way over to my drawers and picks out a white bralette I haven't worn in ages and the smallest pair of shorts i own 

¨lord haze this is a college party i'm not working the corner¨ i say in shock of the tiny material he picked out for me to wear as clothes 

¨oh calm down princess and go get dressed¨ he says 

i slip into the bathroom taking off my day clothes and pulling on the minimal clothing i was just handed by Haze and although i protested this fit at first may i say i look damn hot. I step out of the bathroom to see haze helping Ellie put together her outfit as well he picked her out a pair of extremely distressed jeans and a corset top that makes her tiggle bitties pop. when i close the door to the bathroom they notice me 

¨omg¨ I hear Ellie mumble nothing from Haze just a gasp 

¨Ashes gonna freak¨ Ellie continues looking at Haze when they both looked at me they erupted in giggles. Ash is what everyone but ME calls Ashton I just never really liked it I always thought Ashton was much prettier. 

¨What do you mean why's Ashton gonna freak¨ I ask, getting no response just more giggles

 ¨you two are so weird¨ I say as I walk over to put my air forces on 

After 20 minutes of getting ready and screaming songs from my turn TF up playlist at the top of our lungs we make our way over to the sorority house of Rho Epsilon. Hugh Hefner (Haze) with his two bunnies (Ellie and I) in tow. As the house comes into view I can see people pouring in and out of all the doorways as well as red solo cups and beads littering the lawn. The party only started about an hour ago and already it's trashed i wouldn't want to be the one who has to clean this up in the morning as we walk up the steps before we enter the sorority house i turn to Ellie and Haze 

 ¨make sure i don't drink tonight¨ 

¨okay will do princess¨

¨i got you girl¨ 

they respond assuring me that no alcohol will be in my hand tonight as we cross the threshold i survey the room seeing Trevor Ashton's roommate, Henderson gotta make sure i avoid him tonight, that bitch Vivian and lastly with a sigh of relief my eyes land on Ashton in the kitchen talking to a few guys from the motocross team

motocross is a big thing here at Willow Brook it's treated like football at most schools here. Ashtons big in the motocross world he's won about every race he's been in since he was 10 not to mention the 2 world champion titles he holds from the previous years so safe to say he's Mr.Popular here not that he wasn't back home just even more so here. 

I walk into the kitchen with Ellie and Haze to get something to drink from the cooler as I pass the motocross guys their conversation stops 

¨looking for something sweetheart¨ one of the motocross guys says from behind me 

¨uh yeah are there any non-alcoholic beverages around here?¨ 

¨here¨ Ashton intervenes 

¨thanks Ashton but I said non alcoholic¨ I say 

¨ I know that's why I gave you mine. It's non alcoholic¨ he says much to my surprise 

He doesn't drink? I wonder why I think to myself 

¨it affects my performance¨ my thoughts are interrupted by Ashtons voice 

¨what in bed?¨ 

¨no dumbass on the track¨ 

¨wow someone's feeling sassy tonight¨ i say which in return makes the motocross guys laugh 

¨i like her Baylor¨ a tall dark haired guy who later introduces himself as kyle says 

¨Hi I'm Blake, Blake Stone¨ i introduce myself He turns back to Ashton

 ¨Bro you didn't tell me she was hot¨ this earns him a glare from Ashton 

He talked about me to them his friends. I wonder what he's said hopefully nothing bad i think to myself 

¨yo Baylor calm down i was just joking¨ he says 

¨not really¨ he not so quietly whispers to me making Ashton even more annoyed

 I swear sometimes he acts like he's my boyfriend. It's quite annoying especially because he only sees me as a little sister and nothing more. i'm not gonna lie at one point during our highschool years i had a semi big crush on him i even kissed him once when Ashton, Josh and i were hanging at Ashtons house drinking while our parents were out of town but by our senior year of highschool i came to terms with it never happening and gave up but it was made especially hard to get over when we both got into the same college and id have to see him everyday for the next four years at least which Ashton was weirdly really excited about. 

¨well Ms.Stone would you like to dance with me¨ Kyle asks me 

¨sure Kyle¨ I agree as Kyle puts his arm around my shoulder I take a long sip of the drink that Ashton gave me 

¨what is this?¨ i ask Ashton 

¨fruit punch if you want more i can go get you some¨ he offers 

¨no I'm good it just tastes weird, for now i'm gonna go dance with kyle¨ I turn to kyle and see a big cheesy smile on his face as he leads me to the dance floor we dance for what feels like two hours 

¨hey is the room spinning to you¨ i ask kyle

 ¨sweetheart everything's fine¨ he says 

¨i don't know about that kyle i think i need to sit down¨ i say now starting to lose my footing almost falling on my ass 

¨okay sweetheart follow me¨ as i try to follow him i stumble and hit a wall 

¨whoa there sweetheart hold onto me¨ he puts my arm over his shoulder and brings me into one of the rooms laying me on the bed 

¨thanks ky-¨ as i'm trying to thank kyle for helping me he slams his lips on mine i push him off 

¨what the fuck do you think your doing¨ i yell at him 

¨come on sweetheart it's time for some real fun¨ he says making an uneasy feeling bubble up in the pits of my stomach. He then kisses me again and tries to put his hands down my shorts while I squirm and try to wrestle him off of me with no avail. He's too strong. 

Next thing I know the door gets flung open, someone punches Kyle and I'm getting helped up off the bed by Ellie and Haze as we walk out of the room. I turn around to see Ashton on top of Kyle punching him 

¨Ashton?¨ he turns his head to look at me giving Kyle enough time to land one good punch on Ashton.

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